What if it doesn’t matter if it’s halfway through the year?

Helen Clamp
The Unicorn Factory
3 min readJul 2, 2017

Anyone else noticed the posts reminding us that half the year has gone already?

They have been EVERYWHERE this past week!

This time last year I would have freaked out. I am nowhere near where I planned or hoped to be. Six months ago I had a picture in my head and I was going to get there. This was NOT going to be another year where time passed and I felt like I had nothing to show for it, while the people around me (well… okay… the people on Instagram & Facebook) were posting pictures of their wonderful lives being their own boss while dancing under their money tree (okay I haven’t actually seen a picture exactly like that, but you get what I mean).

And then something changed…

I suddenly stopped caring about TIME (I say “suddenly” and I mean after a shitload of mindset work, and when I say “stopped caring” I do actually mean “caring a lot less most of the time” but that doesn’t trip of the tongue quite so easily!)

I saw Wonder Woman last week and feel the need to segway into this quote…

Diana: What is that?

Steve: That is a watch.

Diana: What does it do?

Steve: It tells the time. It tells you when to sleep, to eat…

Diana: That tiny thing tells you what to do?

The same goes for calendars… when the hell did we let a bunch of squares with numbers in them start dictating how we feel about what we do?!

What if we started focussing on how we feel in ourselves about what we’re doing instead of an arbitrary measure of time?

What if time actually doesn’t matter all that much? What if it is more about how we feel in any moment?

Now don’t go thinking I’m just some hippy dippy chick who naturally lives life in the flow… my background is project management!!! You should see the spreadsheets I have produced in my lifetime. I have been queen of the deadline. And there are times when nothing has brought me more pleasure than a beautifully colour coded project plan.

And don’t get me wrong. Calendars have their uses. I mean we’d be up shit creek without a paddle if we didn’t have a common way of sharing the date and time of events. The world would be a shambles right now if none us knew when to show up to do important things like vote, or what time we could see Gal Gadot kicking ass in Wonder Woman at our local cinema.

However just because calendars come in handy for helping organise our lives, it doesn’t mean they have to dictate how we feel about our lives.

If timetables and deadlines work for you… great! If they don’t you don’t have to force them.

Ultimately it’s about what feels good for you. And never letting an arbitrary system of measuring time make you feel bad.

One day I will post that picture of me dancing under my money tree on Instagram (bet you can’t wait!) but whether that is tomorrow or two years away doesn’t really matter if I’m happy in how everything is all unfolding right now.

Who knows where I’ll be this time next year?! But you know what I feel really confident in guaranteeing these days… how I will be FEELING this time next year. And I’d bet my future money tree that if my new superpower is anything to go by (more on that SOON!) I will be feeling pretty damn good!!!



Helen Clamp
The Unicorn Factory

It’s okay to be different // It’s okay to feel whatever you feel // Listen to yourself, trust yourself and be unapologetically YOU!