What if it’s okay to be allergic to being told what to do?

Helen Clamp
The Unicorn Factory
2 min readJul 6, 2017

Hands up if you’re allergic to being told what to do?

(frantically waving my hands and hoping to god it’s not just me, although a little bit not caring if it is!!)

I have to admit I really resist seeking support and advice because the moment someone crosses the line from sharing interesting insights into telling what they I should be doing I want to run away screaming.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE learning. And I really LOVE it when someone has an amazing idea that helps make something I’ve created even better.

But the idea of passing my ideas or work by someone else makes me break out into a cold sweat. I’m petrified they will suggest something I really don’t agree with, but find myself nodding and smiling because I don’t want to offend them… and then worrying that they will hate me forever when they realise I’ve completely ignored what that had to say!

And don’t get me started on what happens in my brain the moment I read a Facebook post that tells someone they “MUST” do this or this is the “BEST” way to do that. Can people not see that there are clearly a bzillion different approaches to everything, and what’s “best” for us depends on our unique combination of personality, experience and circumstances?!

If you’re still with me on this one woohooooo!!!! We are not weirdos and we do not need to apologise for refusing to be told what to do… and that’s because deep down we already know that we know what is best for us! And that is pretty awesome!

If like me you would desperately love to find a safe haven where you can come together with others to play, explore and experiment without the risk of being judged or told what to do then head over to www.theunicornfactory.co.uk/workshops and find out a little more about the fun we could have together!!!



Helen Clamp
The Unicorn Factory

It’s okay to be different // It’s okay to feel whatever you feel // Listen to yourself, trust yourself and be unapologetically YOU!