Introducing “Seeds of Youth” — A Journey into the Heart of Lumen

Imaging life, and humanity, in the far future…

Daniel Goldman
The Universal Artist Guild
2 min readJun 21, 2024


Hello dear readers,

Unfortunately likely no new articles this month. I’ve been busy with other projects, including… a new experimental collection. I’m thrilled to share a special project with you: “Seeds of Youth,” the first book in the Calista series, part of the Astravus Experimental Collection. This work is a heartfelt exploration of childhood, filled with wonder, joy, and growth.

“Seeds of Youth” invites you into the enchanting world of Lumen, where nature and technology intertwine to create a nurturing environment for discovery and connection. Through the eyes of young Calista, you will experience the warmth of family bonds, the thrill of new adventures, and the profound impact of friendship.

Calista’s journey is marked by moments of awe and learning, where every step is an opportunity to grow. Her deep and enduring friendships teach her about trust, cooperation, and the beauty of shared dreams.

“Seeds of Youth” celebrates the simple yet profound experiences that make childhood magical and bittersweet. It’s about cherishing each moment, embracing the unknown with courage, and finding strength in the love and support of those around us. This tale captures the essence of growing up in a world where every adventure brings us closer to understanding ourselves and our place in the world.

As I work towards making “Seeds of Youth” available as an ebook and/or print book, I’m eager to see your interest and hear your thoughts. This novelette is my longest fictional work to date, and I hope it resonates with you as much as it does with me. If anyone is interested in getting a pre-release draft or learning more, feel free to leave me a private message.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Your support means everything.



Daniel Goldman
The Universal Artist Guild

I’m a polymath and a rōnin scholar. That is to say that I enjoy studying many different topics. Find more at