Why I’m Starting A TopStep Trader Combine

The TopStep Journey Begins

Jamie Murray
8 min readMay 1, 2019
Screenshot from www.topsteptrader.com

I’ve know about TopStep Trader pretty much since they started offering traders the opportunity to take their “Combine”, an assessed period of sim trading, with the prospect of being funded at the end. Since then, they’ve become hugely popular. Some have said the combines are just a way to bring in subscription income, others have championed the service they offer. So far, I’ve stayed on the side-lines, until now.

If for some reason you have an interest in trading, but don’t know about Topstep, it’s probably easier to check out their youtube page here:

Who Are TopStep Trader?

As far as trading resources go, TopStep offer a host of things, but what most people are interested in is the Combines, or the monthly subscription service that lets you essentially have your sim trading reviewed (and subject to you keeping to the stated risk parameters and trading rules) and then progress into potentially becoming a TopStep funded trader, trading their money.



Jamie Murray

Father, Rescue Pilot & Writer. Read my popular story on money with 22k views https://bit.ly/3DnqWmz