10 Attributes Of Successful People

Yazzy Paradise
The Unlisted
Published in
7 min readJan 22, 2016

1. Every successful person has a strong sense of purpose.

This is the vision that you carry with you every day. There is something out in the world that you want to accomplish or someone you want to become. You visualize it everyday in your mind; you can see it in front of you. You look around and realize that you have been given this life for a reason. This is when you find your purpose. Your vision links together with your life understanding and motivation that fires you up inside. You feel successful before you even made your first step because the dream is so real in your eyes.

2. They seek out role models or mentors.

You most likely found an interest in your vision because of seeing it somewhere out in the world. You probably are very inspired by Michael Jordan if you want to become an NBA player. You have to be inspired and study the greats to have motivation. It could be your father after hearing his life story and work ethic. Whoever it is, make sure you keep a mental note on key factors in their game plan to be able to execute in your field correctly.

3. The strength in visualizing the goal.

“How much do you want it?”

This is said over and over again in motivational talks. If you do not think about your goal like a madman every second, then you do not want it as much as the guy next to you that sleeps less and works more. The strength is in the pursuit as well as the details. The specifics in your visions, from the top and final goal, to the little goals on your way up. For example, Gary Vaynerchuck (Multi-millionaire/CEO of VaynerMedia) set an extremely difficult goal to achieve: buy the New York Jets. There may be some things you want to accomplish that is different than others and how will you approach those challenges? Keep this in mind while you wake up every morning with the grand painting visualized in front of you. Just like Floyd Mayweather looked up on his ceiling where he kept a poster of historic fighters to keep him motivated so that one day he could be just like them.

4. Positive sensory orientation

How you look at things really matters. The type of attitude you have will dictate how you will continue to climb. It is a lesson we learn from the book “The Secret” and the theory is called the law of attraction. You will bring success towards you if you approach every day in a positive way. Everybody wants to win, but not everybody has the power to keep there head up because it does get frustrating out there. Instead of viewing a challenge as a problem, look at it as something that will help you be stronger in the long run. Those challenges will be something to look back on when your feeling down and once you reach your goal so you can enjoy your successes.

5. Self assurance

Make a pledge to yourself that you will sacrifice enjoyment over work. Whenever you want to start taking it easy, look back on your mentors and remember how many hours they put in. Look at how they stayed working while their friends were playing games. Then visualize the goal and realize that sacrifice will benefit. You have to be clear with yourself that you will reach your goal and every little step there counts.

6. Plan and organize.

They know how to prioritize and breakdown goals into workable parts.

You can work hard, but you also need to work smart! If you don’t make a shopping list you may end up having to drive back to the grocery store. You start wasting time and working harder than you had to in the first place! Plan your day, week, and month into workable parts. Then review how much you’ve accomplished every quarter and continue until the end of the year. By the time you finish the fourth quarter you can then breakdown what has been beneficial and useless to better yourself next year.

Notice the word “useless.” This is a very important part that people overlook, which will be discussed in the next point.

If everything is planned, you will have a smoother journey towards your goal. You will not feel lost half way through your day, which results in time being wasted; and every second COUNTS.

7. Ability to acquire necessary skills to succeed

Must identify your weaknesses.

This is important in order to reach that NEXT LEVEL on your way towards more success. Everybody can work, but sometimes we get caught up in our minds and forget about reality. The reality is that you are human. We all have flaws. You do have weaknesses that are affecting you. Will all do! While you may be doing your best on a daily basis, you must also see what is holding you back. Maybe your good at working on your business but your lacking with your gym routine. Prioritize differently so that you can fit them both into the agenda. Do not think it is impossible! Maybe you aren’t good at planning and organizing, which is a key for all these attributes. Look for ways to fix that, like finding someone to do it for you. There are always ways to win.

8. Be patient and enjoin others to patience.

We can give up so easily when we do not see the enormous results we imagine such as a large bank account or sky rocketing likes and follows on social media. These things come at the right time. Remember, this is not a magic show or a cheat you can plug in. This is real life with real people and real obstacles that have to be dealt with accordingly. We are talking about a world where everyone has something to do in their life. People are not sitting at home waiting to help you. Your body is not designed to be perfectly programmed to shoot the basketball like Steph Curry (NBA player for the Golden State Warriors). God did give you the ability to see the future and all the hurdles beforehand so you can sail your way to victory. What meaning would life have if we never had to struggle and be challenged?!

Be patient. Tell the people around you to be patient. Be the leader of your vision and you will slowly start to mold yourself into someone that others look up too. The daily grind will be seen by others because action is seen and will always be noticed. If you start having thousands of people active on your social media, no one will appreciate it as much as you because you were the one putting the effort into connecting with the audience. People will only see the game winning shots and your name up on the highlights, but you will be the only one that understands that it was only possible by the continuous hustle. Life is real. Patience is the untold story.

9. Be perseverant.

This is a bit different than patience. When you persevere, you keep pushing with force even when your not feeling 100% or when your in a low point of the journey. Patience is the fact that you will achieve your goal in due time so your mind knows that finish line is reachable. Perseverance is the fact that you will not be up to par every day. You will get sick, sleepy, sad, and hopeless some days. Those are the days you attack because you know others are not. They use this as an excuse. You look at it as a challenge and use your positive sensory orientation to push through the day and mark that check on the calendar. You will wake up the next morning with more confidence and motivation. You will push harder on days you are feeling great for the simple reason that you proved yourself wrong. You persevered through the ugly days and made light out of it. That is how successful people become who they are.

10. Ability to love what one is doing.

All of these attributes are great, but what are you applying them towards? Do you realize how much easier it is to achieve a goal when your doing what you love? If you are so passionate about basketball it will never be an issue to go out and practice. It could be below freezing out but you will still find a way to go into an indoor gym or play in some ripped on sneakers. You will basically do anything to get your hands on a ball. That helps enormously when you head down the path of success. When you love something, passion comes out, and with passion it inspires others, it helps you stay focused longer, it helps you stay positive when things are not working your way, and it lets you enjoy the journey. It lets you enjoy those sleepless nights because you start smiling when you envision your goal. It sends a spike of energy that allows you to get up and hit the gym. You love the feeling of being ALIVE.

You do it because it is your purpose in life. You love watching others do it so why can it not be you as well? The vision is so detailed that it is real in your eyes, and no one can tell you it is not. You know the outcome is positive and everything trying to bring you down along the way cannot match your positive attitude. You look in the mirror and you see a winner that is sure of it. You have a blueprint in front of you and begin to execute accordingly. You learn things along the way and build strength slowly, patiently, and persevere. With that my friends, you have applied all the attributes needed.

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Yazzy Paradise
The Unlisted

Is this world your paradise? I’m a life enthusiast that wants people to think more.