DON’T do that to yourself..

Pratishtha Gupta
The Unlisted
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2015

How often have you been asked not to picture the description for this perfect guy for your life?

How often have you been asked not to plan and organise the various dimensions of your relationship?

How often have you been asked not to talk to somebody just for the sake of some learning or this inspirational gain?

How often have you seen yourself acting as a human; a normal blend of abnormal emotions?

I am going to turn twenty one soon.

And I have no qualms in admitting that I have survived an immature form of a relationship failure which indeed left a few marks on the glory of my love life.

And I am also sure that each one of us has passed this phase, somewhere down the line or other.

Probably after five years of constant keeping and hopes, there came a point where I finally decided to let it go and never let me touch the same way ever again.

Five, tough years. Five years that made me so much stronger.

Gradually, I realised.

Even though I see too many good faces in the form of splendid visual treats everyday, it’s definitely not about falling for people just like that.

And it’s definitely not about the creepy list of should be and shouldn’t be forms that you have made.

When you meet somebody, you don’t open your checklist to make sure that he stands a chance.

When you meet somebody, the connection doesn’t wait to get approved by you with regard to the varied adjectives you have in abundance.

It might take a millisecond or an year. It’s not like a proved theorem and some fixed maths’ rules.

It’s purely between him and you.

Nobody will tell you about this but the click doesn’t work according to you. It’s not much flexible. You can’t play around with it.

It’s probably the most beautiful thing that’d ever happen to you.

It’s going to be sudden, surely. It’s going to be subtle, absolutely.

Out of the blue, at some point of your life, you’d end up meeting this random person filled with all the insane cracks that doesn’t really collide with you. You’d see that he’d be filled with all the flaws that you have always hated.

But sweety, it’s going to happen. And as bad as it may sound, you’d be helpless and hopeless.

I’d say, don’t plan.

I’d suggest, don’t keep travelling in some dreamy list.

Let it happen. Let it grow. Keep patience.

He might not be the best suitable option in your eyes. He might not fulfil all your hopes and desires. He might not be, you know, complete and perfect.

But my friend, the connection doesn’t follow some protocol. There is none.

In fact, it’s surprising how you can easily fall for this random guy and keep on wondering what happened forever!

I am sceptical about the idea of love. Probably it’s a little too fancy and so inexperienced.

But I am certain about this thing called a ‘click’ ‘cause that happens quite a lot with each one of us.

Its transformation into next level emotion is altogether a different story. But I have a strong belief that each one of us, irrespective of being aware/unaware about it, do undergo this experience.

So I say, unpack your heavy weighted bags, free yourself from the infinite should checks and JUST LET GO.

You’d find him, someday. And it’s gonna be ordinarily extraordinary.

#HappySundaySoulFeeding :’)



Pratishtha Gupta
The Unlisted

Unfolding the chronicles of my existence | One story at a time