I Need My Coffee.

Yazzy Paradise
The Unlisted
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2015

…Or do I?

Maybe I do. I feel like I need one. I envision myself feeling alive and ready to take on the world after I start sipping on a cup of coffee. ohh man…. coffee. I need one. but really, do I “need” it? I know that I truly do not need a coffee in the morning. Sure, my head may hurt later on in the day and I will be in a state of illusion that I am so groggy and sleepy since there is no coffee in my system. My brain is accustomed to the caffeine I consume but I know that my brain can adjust itself. I can stop drinking coffee and after about a week my body will have regulated itself. Even though I know I will not DIE without coffee, why do I still feel like I “need” one?

Society created this stereotypical norm of waking up in the morning and grabbing a cup of coffee. Whether heading to work and stopping by a Starbucks or brewing some at home while brushing your teeth and putting on your socks at the same time. We constantly see people in suits or college students walking around with a coffee cup or the most common movie scene of a character feeling so dead at work, pouring a coffee in the break room. We all have our sleepy days and we wish to feel awake, so what does our brain do? It makes us resort to getting a coffee since “everyone” does. This should make you think, “Does the coffee help me wake up or does the thought of drinking coffee wake me up?” Of course coffee has caffeine but it usually stays in our system for only three hours and then we crash. I believe it is deeper than just what it physically does to the body.

We love feeling like we belong in the world. We are all on this planet to accomplish something. We need to get out there and explore, work, travel, and so on. Grabbing a cup of coffee allows us to feel like we belong in society, just as you do if you are a smoker and stand outside during break with the others. We feel comfort in doing what people do.

It is not about the caffeine; more so the actual cup in your hand.

We feel like we are missing something, just like we do when we leave our phone at home. It is our fix to feel like we are normal functioning human beings. The same fix babies get when sucking on a pacifier. But, like I said, it is only a mental barrier that makes us feel this way about coffee. There is a wall to break in our mind to allow us to continue our day and we cannot break through it without coffee.

Yes, our brain really believes that. It allows us realize how weak we are. The power of the brain is so strong that even if we know everything about coffee and how we do not need it, we will still wake up tomorrow “needing” coffee. This writing is not intended to make you stop drinking coffee. I love coffee. I drink one every morning. I have researched a ton on coffee after I became accustomed to three a day and had intense migraines if I did not have one. I adjusted my body to have one a day, even though I do not need it, I want it. For everyone else that feels this way, feel free to call yourself delusional because in the end of the day we all are in some way.

I will not feel awake just for the fact that caffeine is in coffee. I will more so feel ALIVE for the simple fact that I had my morning cup of coffee.

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Yazzy Paradise
The Unlisted

Is this world your paradise? I’m a life enthusiast that wants people to think more.