Medium is a Network. Let’s Network Then!

Maybe instead of bitching about how it doesn’t help us promote our work?

Joanna Boj
The Unlisted


Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

There’s been a very interesting meta-conversation on Medium going on recently. Roughly it falls into one of these two categories:

  1. What is Medium? A publishing tool or a network? A place for the best thoughtfully crafted long-form, for expressing oneself in any way possible, for people interacting in the context of written content, or maybe — all of those things? How to create a community here?
  2. What is Medium’s role? Does it provide us with a cute editor and clean, distraction free design and we (writers) need to work for the exposure completely on our own? Or maybe Medium should help us a little (or a lot) to encourage writers who don’t have a big audience yet?

These two are of course connected in many ways. I am still not sure what Medium is, as I see it a work in progress — not only code-wise, as it also develops in public awareness.

Medium will be what we, the users, will do with it.

Personally, I enjoy most the “not necessarily long-form, but definitely thoughtful, important, interesting, why not funny…



Joanna Boj
The Unlisted

Psychotherapist & Teacher. I support diversity, facilitate change & growth. I write inspired by explorations of the human psychology. Connect: