Open Your Doors

Yazzy Paradise
The Unlisted
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2015

Life is predicated on the amount of energy and focus you put into your day and how each day influences the next. You are opening up a new door every time you accomplish something. The more you accomplish, the better the doors become. You begin to walk into to rooms with marble floors and granite countertops. You open a door to your villa in costa rica with that red corvette you always wanted. Most importantly, you open the door to more possibilities.

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The world is developing and you are part of it so all you have to do is play your role. You need an overview of your life: who you are, what you like, and what you can bring to the world. The doors are in front of you so at first you start opening to see where they take you. You will never go back thru the same door because whether you become successful through your journey or not, at least you learned something. They all add up and allow you to move forward by being strong. You learned how to be productive at your 9 to 5 job but your boss was a dictator. You take your knowledge and move on to a better boss with more opportunities. You have now opened to the door to a manager position with better possibilities. The amount of doors you walk through is up to you! Will you go through five doors a day or just one? Do you want to walk through twenty doors in your life and be satisfied where you are? These are all up to you so write down what the goal is and make reasonable strategies around how you will begin to open these doors. For example, you will go through the door of knowledge by reading and studying, then the door of networking by speaking to three people that are interested in the same ideas. Maybe its just the door of practice because you want to become a famous basketball player. The question is, how far do you want to go? Do you want to just practice and play or do you want to study plays, player movements, etc.?

After knowing the criteria to maneuver towards your goal, it is time to open your doors.

Do not be afraid because fear turns into happiness knowing you stepped out of your comfort zone. Then looking back five years from now you will look at all the doors you opened and how much you have accomplished. You have just added onto the world map of execution; became someone that no one could have ever imagined. You look good, you are smarter, more connected, and more comfortable because of the position you put yourself in after all the hard work. The greatest feeling of all is looking back at the person you once were and how you took life in your own hands and created it into something else; like alchemy. The possibilities are endless so stay true to your life because no one else will ever life YOUR life. It is up to you to make the most out of it with the mind and visions you have. That is purpose. That is cooperation and greatness.



Yazzy Paradise
The Unlisted

Is this world your paradise? I’m a life enthusiast that wants people to think more.