The Brighton Bubble.

Ethen Kauiers
The Unlisted
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2015

Brighton — the place to be.

Well, I mean Victorian license plates used to say that too, but really BRIGHTON is the place where it’s at. Or even Melbourne itself.

It may not be the most enticing holiday destination, or even a place for sight seeing, but you should have heard by now that Melbourne has got. It. Going. ON!

Did I mention I’m a “rich kid” here.

So I’ve been born into a bit of money. Not like A LOT, but yeah, I went to a Private school and lived in a pretty damn nice house.

There’s even a second story on this bad boy now — not to mention the projector set up and 10 different game consoles that sit upstairs…

…just next to the drum kit and extra bedroom…that maaaay or may not be used for storage — I DIGRESS.

This bubble is pretty luxurious.

That’s right, the “Brighton bubble”, yes.

Oh, you haven’t heard? I thought everyone knew!

Oh, well let me explain.

Brighton Beach

Brighton is beautiful. It has everything you need (as I’m sure a lot of other affluent communities around the globe have as well).

We have a cinema…oh actually two. Yeah, sorry. Forgot about the second one.

We have a couple of supermarkets.

We have multiple shopping strips.

Brighton Baths

We have a Baths…

…yes a Baths. You don’t have your own Baths? Guess that’s a Brighton thing, hey?

We have schools — Primary, Secondary, Private, Public, Girls only, Boys only, Co-ed. Oh, and a few Jewish schools thrown in there too.

Arguably, we have beautiful clean streets (relative to every other suburb and country I’ve been to).

We have beaches, parks, Tennis courts and ovals for all your leisurely activity.

Brighton Town Hall.

I mean come on — CA’ MON’! We have it MADE.

Perhaps its why the domesticated, content individual prospers whilst the wandering mind of question and thought flails and cries for more…

The majority of my life has been spent in Brighton. One could say I’m quite ignorant to the trials and tribulations to those outside of this ‘bubble’. Hell, even in neighbouring suburbs!

Sure, it’s not quite some Western North Korea where the community has no contact with the outside world. But it’s just so…well, easy!

Whilst holiday destinations are designed for the greatest, most luxurious experiences you could fathom, they’re merely temporary.

Brighton, on the other hand, is the long term version.

This is the goal.

This is where you stop worrying about what’s going on in the world around you, and live out the rest of your life, content with having made it this far.

Hey, if you've earned it and want it, grab yourself a BMW 4WD, membership to the nearest Yacht club and come join the Brighton way!

But like everything else, the people born into money and relatively upper class area— we are OBLIVIOUS as to the world around us.

Think about it — I’ve been born into the goal! I’ve been born at the top of the mountain. It’s not meant to get any better than this!

So what’s all the fuss about? Why would I want anything else?

Why would I not want to work a 9–5 in the city, go to parents’ holiday houses, take vacations to expensive resorts and engage with only those of an equal social status?

I have no need to grow and experience other cultures, right?

Let me let you in on a little secret — there is a LOT more to life than living in a bubble.

It took me moving away from home, making friends from all over the world and travelling to other countries to actually realise just how domesticated this place really is.

The moment I stepped back into Brighton after living away in other parts of Melbourne and the world — jeeeaz do we have it good.

One of the most affluent suburbs, in the most liveable city in the world, in one of the safest places in the world.

This place is great. A little too great.

One of the greatest things I’ve ever done for myself is step outside of the bubble, or at least my bubble (and yes, the “Brighton Bubble” is definitely a thing).

That’s my bubble anyway.

I can’t wait to leave it again.



Ethen Kauiers
The Unlisted

Ethen Kauiers - Melbourne local, Osteopath/Exercise consultant, Anatomy teacher.