The Day Medium Became My Homepage

Todd Balsley
The Unlisted
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2015



I had just finished a task for a project. I was in need of a short break so I decided to open Medium.

It was at that moment, while listening to the inspiring sounds of Tycho’s “See”, that I had the thought:

“Why don’t I make Medium my homepage?”

I immediately thought, “ No, that’s stupid Todd. You haven’t used a homepage in years”. After all, no social platform deserves such high-priority to be your first point of contact to the web, RIGHT?!

But I couldn't help but think, “What if I did? I do spend quite a bit of time there each day”. After a few minutes of wrestling with the silliness

I decided to just do it.

Here’s how it happened:

Over the past 6 months I’ve been using Medium regularly, and have developed a strong affection for the platform. It started when @jesserlucas suggested we use it to syndicate our company blog. Always up for a good experiment, I thought it was a great idea. So we started in January 2015.

Half a year later I’m fully immersed in Medium, and I love it.

Here are a few of the notable experiences that led to the grand gesture of making this website my homepage.

  • It started in January when I wrote my first piece on Medium. The platform is so incredibly easy to use and makes everything look beautiful.
  • The second moment I felt my love growing was upon reading some of the incredibly interesting pieces on Medium. I’m not always sure how it works but it’s incredibly easy to find content that I enjoy, or find useful. Here are a few recent examples:

Hey, Internet: Stop Trying To Inspire Me

The Web We Have to Save

Morning Manifesto

  • After about three months of using the platform I realized I’d prefer to do all my writing in Medium. Why? Because it’s distraction free. I feel a certain freedom and empowerment when I’m writing on the platform.
  • Lastly, I’ve found myself going to Medium in my free time, why? Because I don’t want to waste my time. I know that when I go to Medium going to find content that adds value to my life.

That’s right. “ADDS VALUE” — I can hardly believe I’m writing that. A social platform that actually brings value to your life?

I know when I come to Medium I will consume content that either greatly interests me or benefits me personally or professionally.

We give great attention and priority to the things in our life that add value, and that’s what happened with my relationship with Medium.



Todd Balsley
The Unlisted

Happiness Lead @Buffer / Husband, Dad, Coffee, Photography, Leatherworking