The Starting Over Paradox

Eman El-Koshairy
The Unlisted


My daily struggle with starting over. You know that feeling of being “stuck in reverse”, not knowing how to take a step forward and not being able to fall back any further.

Starting over sucks, it’s a reminder of all the mess you have made.

It’s a reminder of how much you wanted something, yet failed to keep up with your goals to achieve it.

It’s a reminder that no matter how much you plan, the world always manages to bring you down in the most unexpected ways.

It’s a reminder that no matter how much you armour yourself up to not be knocked down like before, you discover there is always a new way that can knock down your walls.

It’s a reminder of how your summoned lost hope can still be beaten, up by despair, again.

It reminder that even when you felt you were almost there, that you nailed it … you didn’t.

It’s a reminder that you failed yourself yet again, let yourself and others down yet AGAIN.

It’ a reminder that everyone who thought you couldn’t make it, might have just been right.

It’s a reminder that every time you thought you couldn’t sink any deeper, falling back time after time, the falls get harder and with every blow it gets even harder to put yourself back together.

It’s a reminder, that failure is no alien to you and as you start you have to think of the possibility that you might just well, fail again.

But …

Starting over is a way to remember that you are in control of your ways. Messing up is just a step back that does not define your progress but rising up again will.

It’s a reminder that no matter how things can put you down, you can still find a way around them and make things workout your way.

It’s a reminder that you still have more to learn, more ways to grow and new strengths in yourself to discover.

It’s a reminder that no matter how deep you fall, you’ll always discover new corner stones to lead you up and on again.

It’s a reminder that life doesn’t end when you fail, and that it can begin when you choose.

It’s a reminder that what others think of you or your abilities is not what defines you, because only what you choose to do and think right now will define who you are going to be.

It’s a reminder that outcomes are not all that matter, but every step you make in the direction of your goals is what matters.

It’s a reminder of the value of the things we want most in life, maybe it’s time to reset our priorities and decide how to make sure that our goals take just the right amount of focus.

It’s a reminder that plans are not bullet proof, and sometimes you need to have backup plans or even backup backup plans.

Starting over better be named “Recovering from a slip”! You should just give yourself a break and not beat yourself up about it but just learn how to overcome the slip the next time around.

I guess starting over is just a matter of perspective.

It’s still a daily struggle for me between both extremes, let’s just hope the right one wins.



Eman El-Koshairy
The Unlisted

A problem solver at heart. An evangelist for experience design. Loves teaching, learning and sharing knowledge. Passion & Coffee driven.