The World Is Changing Fast.

Yazzy Paradise
3 min readMar 4, 2016


If we do not catch up then we will be far behind, leaving us in a trail of confusion. We have technology increasing exponentially, demanding us to explore, study, and interact with the world like never before. We are forced to stay with the times by buying a new phone almost every year. We have new scientific researches finding out hundreds of new ways to better us as humans. This is all happening while we are here not learning about a damn thing because we are too occupied by entertainment.

Since technology is moving up the ladder at high speeds it is helping the entertainment industry flourish with new ideas and projects. Psychology is being studied more than ever before, leading us to find better ways in enticing the human race to get sucked into this money making machine. Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube are the few of many names taking the world by storm. We have been indoctrinated into this system where we feel the need to catch up with a certain TV show to be connected in conversations. We have YouTube with endless related videos one after another that sucks our time away.

Music is part of this system. As more artists come out of the womb, the more we have to do as humans to listen to more music. It is coming to the point where it is almost impossible to catch up to a new album because it is being brought to us in high volumes. With the internet, it creates a black hole of music and artists that never ends.

We have random high school dropout druggies making millions out here because they had the ability to put out their music online. The entertainment world does not care about anyone or anything, as long as it makes money. We have to catch up with the times people! It’s not like before where you need to dress to impress on every occasion. People do as they please because of the mantra “be yourself” became over populated across the internet. I am stating various spectrums that could be expanded into individual writings but I am putting this together in this fashion for authenticity purposes.

When I say the world is changing, I am speaking about every single aspect. From the literal sense of the planet Earth changing, to the people, the mentalities, the beliefs, the cultures, the technology, and the most important one: purpose. People have lost the sense of purpose, putting them in situations of utter confusion. We do not have time to sit and think about life because we are being thrown into all these Instagram posts, vines, tweets, etc. I love social media, don’t get me wrong, it is an amazing way to connect with the world (yet another aspect of life that is changing us at an unimaginable rate). It becomes bad when we forget who we are.

How do we make it? I am in the same boat as all of you reading this. One thing that I’ve learned from living in five countries and moving around the world seven times is that we have the power to overcome anything. It is the power of the brain that we forget about because the brain is too busy processing all this technology around us. With the brain, we can make it through the craziness of the world. As humans, we can make it through the world. That is why we are humans and not animals.

As I write this I realize this may be a lot to take in at one time. The point of the matter is that you should have been able to connect and understand me. This should have sounded somewhat familiar to you since your subconscious has been telling you something is off about life. I write this in all humbleness.

This was a very authentic way for me to put out a piece of writing. If you enjoyed this please recommend it and comment! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on my thoughts ❤



Yazzy Paradise

Is this world your paradise? I’m a life enthusiast that wants people to think more.