Pratishtha Gupta
The Unlisted
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2015

‘So, it’s over. Isn’t it?

All the dreams are shattered,

the future looks dark,

Nights spend in tears,

remains the unsaid yet painful mark.

The phase is so bloody unpredictable and still seems unrealistic.

You are trying. Trying. Harder than ever.

Smile, laugh, be funny and break the glass!

You remember her smile, the way she called you at any random hour with the craziest kid-like mood, the little things you discussed, the warmth of the hugs, the beautiful image of the mutual dreams so created. You remember her. You remember how you always meant your ‘forever’. You remember how it was supposed to end on the last moment of your breath and not this day, on the call, on the message.

It’s unbelievable!

She loved you. Didn’t she? You were her best friend, her soulmate. How’d she do without you? How’d she live? Will she be able to find an alternative? Will she not call you ever again? Will she not love you anymore?

Oh no, wait!

It shouldn’t matter. It’s over. She is happy with somebody else. You got to move on, find new path. You are not as bad. You’d find somebody as well. And one day, you’d make her realise what she lost. You know you’d see the regret on her face. And well, that’s going to be the day of your victory. All your pain, on that particular day, is going to take all its revenge.’


That’s how you feel. Right? It’s okay. Perfectly normal and fine.

You are a kid. And you’d be fine.

Breakups have the capacity to ruin your heart and tear your soul, depending on the intensity of your seriousness in the relationship. You feel the breakup. You feel the loss. You feel the vacuum.

For some people, it’s easier to move on in a shorter span.

Some others, like me, take about years. I don’t even remember how many^

I cried, and cried. I missed his presence in every millisecond. I tried not to think about him. I tried ways to indulge myself to keep away from over-thinking. I tried to be friends with him for a while.

I tried everything they say that makes you get over people.

Truth is, all such remedies are such a creepy fiction. Nothing helps. Nothing magical happens that relieves you from the suffering.

By my experience, I can tell you that the only three things that helps you to get over a person is time, experiences and maturity.

Time, again, will vary with the intensity of your seriousness.

Experiences that’d make you realise the bitter truth of life.

And maturity, that is an outcome of experiences.

The bitter truth?

Everything and every person in your life, in this world is replaceable, except your parents.

You’d feel that I don’t understand and I am saying all that doesn’t make sense.

Been there, done that.

You have got to admit it. You will.

You meet this person. Like him. Eventually, fell in love. He reciprocates. You date. You make love. You make moments and dreams. But one day, it all of a sudden ends. You feel you won’t ever love somebody again.

Truth is, you will.

The emptiness is not going to stay forever, for such is the human tendency. We can’t stay alone. Nobody in the world can.

The position will gradually be occupied. You’d find somebody better or worse; but what matters is that you do find that somebody.

Once you get out of this kiddo zone, and that you will, you’d realise how every word here makes complete sense.

And listen, don’t rush. Don’t rush to grow up, for this is the phase that teaches you internally and develops you externally. You’ve got to live it and take it as sportingly as you take your lavish phases.

In this kiddo phase, someday, you’d realise the importance of your family and a few but real friends. In this kiddo phase, you’d realise what pain and love is and how and why people often pin them together. In this kiddo phase, you’d meet zillion of people and be able to look through them. In this kiddo phase, you are going to learn things you thought you’d never do.

So, I am not going to ask you to stay happy and keep a smile and do all that shit.

I want you to cry and scream. I want you to see yourself at your worst. I want you to get through this phase and live it at its fullest. I want you to SURVIVE and prove yourself that you deserved a better version of life anyway.

All I assure you is, that it’d pass.





Pratishtha Gupta
The Unlisted

Unfolding the chronicles of my existence | One story at a time