What I Learned After Breaking My Laptop. You Have To Do.

Yazzy Paradise
4 min readFeb 8, 2017


p.s. I wasn’t the one that broke it but I’ll get to that in the story.

I came into the 2017 year pumped as ever to KILL IT. Every goal I wanted to achieve in 2016 was going to get crushed out the ballpark, no exceptions. So here I am in January looking at my list of goals, planning my schedule, and taking action. First couple of days went well and I could only feel the energy keeping me alive all year. I get to Thursday and something happened that completely knocked me off-course: My computer broke.

Well, not exactly “broke” to where it was done and in the trash but more so having to blow dry the water that spilled on it. Mind you, it was Thursday so I’m just finishing my set at the gym when I get a phone call from my sister and she didn’t make it sound THAT bad. “It still turns on but everything is moving slow and I spilled water but it wasn’t so much and I dried it with paper towels but the keypad is moving weird and…” you get the point.

I felt like being those dudes that wake up late every morning and play video games all day with Doritos on the floor and having no care in the world. My plan was ruined.

Thursday — Complete “Paradise Podcast: The Best Moments of 2016” video and release it.

Friday — Record new podcast episode and release it.

Weekend — Record new music and create new videos to promote podcast and music.

There was more to the list but I won’t put it all there because this is getting me frustrated just recollecting this moment in my life. Now, you might be asking yourself why did I go so hard on myself. Well, I think it’s because I made my life harder than it should be. My friend called me that weekend and when I told him my situation he said, “Everything happens for a reason. Maybe your supposed to learn something from this moment in time. Maybe not now, but it will definitely hit you soon.” And he was right because I preach that type of mindset every day yet it’s different when you’re the one in the situation.

Sunday, I go to Best Buy and talk to Geek Squad to help me fix it. I’ve tried everything till this point. The moment I open the laptop it’s running quieter than ever and it’s all moving smoothly. I felt so stupid but happy at the same time. I have my laptop back to normal so now what? Well I usually release my podcast every Friday so I’d have to wait till the end of the week but then I’ll be two weeks behind in 2017; this sucks. I lost my motivation completely and it sounds silly but my point behind all this is how it’s my fault.

I structured my brain to have everything work a particular way. I needed to release certain things on specific days and work on things the way I wrote it down, but all of that is some b.s. Why stress yourself out in this matter when really all that matters is having the same 24 hours just like everyone else and what you can make of it. I switched gears and went to town better than ever! I released that tension I previously had and said F*** IT.

That mentality came to me after watching a Gary Vee video on YouTube. He has literally taught me so many good things I would have to write a separate Medium post about it so I will keep this within the topic by saying that it’s all on you. You are in control of your life, so just do it. This is why my title includes the quote, “You Have To Do.” I have that quote as my phone background and it gives you the sense of simplicity in life. There is literally nothing else to do, but DO.

Shoutout DRock for the graphics!

We all have ideas and goals but majority of us never get them out in the world or accomplished because we overthink and give ourselves excuses. That laptop was a big excuse I gave myself but I could’ve worked on a whole bunch of other things (like expanding my medium page) instead of complaining (which is another one of Gary Vee’s favorite sayings.) The other thing is about just putting my content out there. Don’t limit yourself and just find the time to do what you want.

That’s basically it. You want to do something? DO IT. I promise you that mentality helped me so much. Nothing ever brings me down because I know everything happens for a reason and I stay happy knowing the abundance of opportunities out there are endless. I’ve been able to achieve so much more and the results are amazing. I received way more attention and traction towards my brand and I never feel stuck anymore. My life flows like water instead of bricks being stacked. Water continues to move so do just keep moving. It is ironic how the message I am trying to push is so simple yet so many of us make it so complicated.

Please, just do.

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Yazzy Paradise

Is this world your paradise? I’m a life enthusiast that wants people to think more.