Half the population shoooooould probably get a grip.

Where are you investing energy?

Ethen Kauiers
The Unlisted
3 min readSep 8, 2015


In an age where entertainment, information and general stimuli are fed to us in continuous, unimpeded streams, there seems to be growing implications as to the associated chronic stress levels and overall indifference we experience on a daily basis.

The obvious point has been made, in a number of articles I’ve read, that yes, we do need to create and not just consume. We need to invest energy into thoughts and interactions that provide us with fulfilment and gratitude that we are lucky enough to exist, be and live.

But on a mental level, are you investing energy into rewarding thoughts and ideas, or are you being caught up in everything going on around you?

Let’s get real

You’re bent up about a lot of stupid shit.

There are people who just annoy you. Why? Because they annoy you. And you really dislike them for it. I mean, they deserve to trip over and you be there to see it, so you can laugh at their misfortune.

You get needlessly worried about what you should do on the weekend and whether you’ll have enough time to see all the friends and go all the places you have planned. Worrying is one thing. But having it plague your mind is another.

And then there are those anal retentive assholes who make a fuss over the smallest things. Like having their coffee just a little too hot. Or making sure they can use that coupon they’ve been saving, even if it’s a little out of date or doesn’t apply to certain deals.

Aka Mr.Asshole— how has he not been fictionally snubbed by every other Mr. and Miss. character?

Oh, the best one — road rage. What’s the deal with that? What, that slightly slower driver is stopping you from getting to the shops a minute faster?

There a heap of cynical people out there who’ve caught onto the fact that people spend a lot of energy worrying and complaining about dumb stuff.

But it happens anyway.

The stressful factors that you think ‘burden your life’ don’t have to. But you let them. I don’t care about whether there are legitimate problems you have — it’s the way you spend your mental energy worrying about things you can’t change that’s the issue.

Let’s start redirecting your energy

There’s a lot to be said about challenging someone’s perspective, if not being open enough to do it to yourself. I’d also like to elaborate on opening your mind, but let’s face it — that’s needless hippie bullshit for now.

I touch on both of these, because it’s your perspective which is zapping your energy. That old ‘the-world-is-against-me’ mentality, along with making excuses as to why you are down and out so much of the time. It’s others causing your flustered demeanor — not you. Right?

Those moments of serenity you experience in quiet places don’t need to just be found in peaceful locations. Why not take a step back, cut the shit and chill out for a moment?

Breathe. Close your eyes. You aren’t in any immediate danger, and you don’t have to be freaking out about that crap you’re freaking out about. If you want, you can retract your thoughts (and subsequently your feelings) on ideas that are causing you more trouble than good.

So go ahead. Try it. And tell me you don’t instantly feel a warm wave of calm begin to overcome you.

My closing suggestion: Do yourself a favour, at some point, and sit down to think about why you’re stressing so much. A lot of it has to do with your view of things. Use your energy in ways you wish to use it — it really is up to you.



Ethen Kauiers
The Unlisted

Ethen Kauiers - Melbourne local, Osteopath/Exercise consultant, Anatomy teacher.