Who said cheating was limited to unfamiliar vaginas?

Remember when we were 12 and the word we used to describe anything that was unfair to our little set of imbibed value system? “This is cheating”.

Pratishtha Gupta
2 min readMar 7, 2018

As we grew up, the concept along with its usage drastically changed. So the majority of the times we hear it now is when a person has been sexually played across by their partner. And when I happened to argue with a friend about how betrayal is a very significant part of any relationship and not just limited to the romantics, he laughed it off saying its too big a word to be used as a connotation for anything less than love.

Of course; bed spreads tainted with dishonesty, lies and blow jobs filled with the pleasure to an adventure is clearly cheating on your lover. But,
What about honorary people who, out of the compulsive feeling to belong, end up biting your ass to stand along others?
What about the moment of confession on a phone call at 2 filled with tears to a friend he’s known all these years, left stranded to go on a vacation with his adversaries?
How about doing the same sort of mistake over and over again, until the other person involved clearly starts to develop trust issues?
How about emotionally destroying someone’s beliefs over time systematically in accordance to manipulation in yours?

And here I thought the word loyalty was omnipresent, with branches extending out to EVERY single friend and family we make and meet through a lifetime. Selective discernment to tag along with the world while putting over the muddy feet over your own people; I don’t understand why can’t we call THAT cheating as well.

Well, probably its just me who isn’t fitting to the idea of “survival of the fittest”, wondering where have the days gone when the theory of “you jump, I jump” wasn’t just on the silver screen.

After all, if everyone in the world had a character, half the deadlocks of the world would have been broken. Happily.

So, to more unfamiliar vaginas, betrayals, lies, cheating, dishonesty, sick justifications, self-proclaimed manliness; and NONE of it!



Pratishtha Gupta

Unfolding the chronicles of my existence | One story at a time