3 easy steps to getting TF over yourself and doing the WORK!

The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2016

I have a confession…

Over the past week and a half things have been amazing!!!

My clients continue to uplevel and get massive breakthroughs.

I’ve accepted 2 amazing speaking opportunities.

My business continues to grow daily.

I’m getting tons of positive feedback from people who are getting value from my message.

I have the title and outline for my first book.

Things are going REALLY well and I am filled with gratitude.

But the little voice in my head is saying…. It’s not enough.

Let me rephrase that; I’M not doing enough.

You see, I know in my heart of hearts that I’m not working at my best and highest levels.

I can feel how lax I am.

I know how much more I can achieve and accomplish but for some reason I’m allowing myself to “Coast”.

In business and life we all know that coasting is very dangerous.

Coasting gives you a false sense of safety.

When is the last time you’ve seen someone or something coasting to acceleration?

It doesn’t happen!

What happens is you coast until you begin to slow down and eventually stop.

Then in order to accelerate, you have to rebuild momentum.

So I had to really get REAL with myself and figure why I was “coasting”.

Why I was allowing less than my best self to show up.




The fact that being an entrepreneur sometimes feels like an never ending up hill battle but yet I can’t give up because I know was born for this!

A little bit of all of these things were coming up for me. And because of it all, I was holding back.

But..what I also know is that no matter how great it is or how hard it is,

my truth

my desire

my calling will never change.

I will continually speak my message to the masses and show them what’s available to them if they so choose.

I could continue to allow these things to hold me back from doing the work that needs to be and will always need to be done


I could simply “Do” the work.

Here are the 3 steps I took to get TF over myself and DO the work:

1.DECIDE what it is that you REALLY want.

Many of us make goals that we try to “fit into”, instead of the other way around. We base our goals off of what we think should be our goals rather than what truly it is that we desire.

For instance when I comes to money, I hear people say all the time that ….” I JUST want to make 15k a month” or “ I JUST want to sellout my product or program”.

Understand that “ JUST” anything is exactly what you’re going to get. And by the way, JUST is never enough.

Decide what it is that you REALLY want because thats the only way you’re ever going to reach that goal


Deciding is great. But honestly decisions are a dime a dozen. A decision only becomes real when you commit to the outcome. That means no matter what, hell or high water, you’re seeing this decision through to the end and nothing will stop you!

3. DETACH and DO the work!

Work is going to always need to be done… Period! You can either make it hard or make it easy.

What happens is these lovey things called “emotions” creep in and give us every valid reason why we cannot do the work.

I’m tired.

I don’t feel like it.

I’m sick.

I’m not sure if that’s going to work.

I have kids. How I can I possibly get all this done?

I need to know more before I do this.

I don’t know what “work” I should be doing.

Blah, blah, blah…

The truth is business is not about emotion.

Business is BUSINESS!

And I’d be hard pressed to believe that you really don’t know the “work” that needs to be done because how can you be avoiding something you don’t know? (You see the story we tell ourselves when we don’t want to do something.🤔😉)

Detach. Stop making this big overly dramatic and emotional ordeal. It takes waaay more energy to do that than it is to actually do the work.



Detach and Do.

The next time you need to get TF over yourself, remember this simple method.

Then get back to WORK 😘😘😘



Make sure to visit my website and sign up for your FREE 1:1 session with Me💁🏽🎉🙌🏽



The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life

Wealth Psychology and High Performance Coach to UHNW wealth creators, inheritors, Next Gen, C-Suite executives,and entrepreneurs. www.theshaylalocklear.com