“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2016

My mission in life is to show and help others how to live their life unlimited. To help them shatter their invisible glass ceiling and soar to heights unheard of!

Mind Unlimited

Body Unlimited

Business Unlimited

I’ve been given the gift of being a high performer so I know how other high performers think/act.

I know what limits us, because it limited me.

I know what it feels, because I’ve felt it.

I know the struggle, because I’ve struggled with it.

I’ve also been given the gift of seeing the pure brilliance in each individual and teaching you how to reach it, if you allow.

My motivation behind mission is FREEDOM!

Freedom to do as I please, when I please, however I please.

Freedom to buy whatever I want, in whatever quantities I want, no matter the cost.

Freedom to make unlimited amounts of money, bless my family with an amazing lifestyle and serve others at the highest level possible.

More important than that, I want to be able to give to those in need, those in pain, those that don’t have a voice, those who can’t see past their current reality because that’s what they have known all their life.

The homeless

The veterans

The under privileged population

The hungry

The under educated

Those who don’t know that success is available to us all.

Honestly I think America has a slightly backwards view of things.

We are quick to help out 2nd and third world country but yet we haven’t come close to a viable solution in our own back yard.

( I do understand how we live and how they live is like night and day. but hear me out)

That’s like some fostering or adopting a child and loving on them more than they love on their biological child because the foster child was taken/given away. It makes no sense and causes resentment at home.

Yes, we have lots of great non — profits and organizations that help the population but there is also A LOT of red tape and limits around what those organizations can do.

I don’t deal well with limits.

I want to give and help at an UNLIMITED level and that’s what I will do!

Sometimes in order to teach we must first give.

Value first right?!?!?

Help them.

Show them what’s possible.

Give them a little taste of what life is all about and then teach them how to do it themselves.

This is part of my BIG WHY.

To create an army of UNLIMITEDs that take care of home FIRST.

Then they can go out and GIVE as well as TEACH others how to do the same.

Share with me your mission and why you do what you do.




The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life

Wealth Psychology and High Performance Coach to UHNW wealth creators, inheritors, Next Gen, C-Suite executives,and entrepreneurs. www.theshaylalocklear.com