The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2016

1998 Destiny’s Child

1999 The Writings on the Wall

2001 Survivor

2003 Dangerously In Love

2004 Destiny Fulfilled

2006 B’Day

2008 I am… Sasha Fierce

2011 4

2013 Beyoncé

2016 Lemonade.

These are just albums released.

This does not include any of the time that was spent getting to the first album.

This does not include other ventures such as film, tv, products, collaborative work with other artists.


And at 6 months/ 1 year/ 3 years we are frustrated and ready to give up because we haven’t made our first million dollars yet.😱🤔

Don’t you think that if it were that “ easy” to be rich/famous/wealthy that we would all be?


Well actually… it is… to those of us who know what we are called to do.

Who know what we are meant to contribute to the world.

Who know without a shadow of a doubt, we will accomplish our goals and dreams and share our mission and message!

We are certain that we will transform MILLIONS with our talents and create an amazing lifestyle doing so.

Because of that, we don’t even consider the time that it will take because it’s not a factor.


Yet she did.

If you think for one second that she did not KNOW or have the BELIEF in herself and hold the VISION that she would be the global mega star she is today, than you are mistaken my friend.

There is NO way for any of us have the level of influence that we desire and create our own version of global domination without first knowing and holding the vision we want for our life and business.

This is a MUST for anyone who wants any level of success.

You have to SEE it first( in your mind).

You have to BELIEVE it.

You have to WAKE UP LIKE THIS!!!

Waaay before Beyoncé was BEYONCÉ… she was BEYONCÉ… get it?!?! 😳😳🤓🤓

Now I know what you’re saying … I don’t have anymore time. I need success NOW!

Beyoncé has made millions; her family is taken care of and her bills are paid.

Mine aren’t!!


I’ve totally felt the same way and said the same things.

What I have found that helps me redirect when I get into this mind-frame is asking myself this simple question:

If I made a million dollars overnight in my business or if I made nothing in my business, would it change my passion/mission?

Am I dependent on money in order to share my true message?

Side note: Of course if you received $1M it would be super helpful in your business and life in many different ways. What I am asking about is the desire inside you to do what you are called to do.

If the answer is NO, then you need to release the monetary pressure as well as the time limit you’re putting on yourself and continue to DO THE WORK.

Most of the time when we hold on so tight to a specific desire/amount/idea/etc… we are blocking ourselves from receiving what we want.

If the answer is YES, then what you are doing is not your true passion/purpose and that is whole different conversation.

We often overestimate what can be done in 3 months and underestimate what can be done in 1 year.

This is by no means saying that you should dream small and limit yourself, but your success comes down to this…..






The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life

Wealth Psychology and High Performance Coach to UHNW wealth creators, inheritors, Next Gen, C-Suite executives,and entrepreneurs.