The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2016

Earlier this week I was speaking with one of my clients and she was telling me how her husband had begun to share with her his dreams of going back to school and doing something different than what he was now.

This may not seem like a big deal, but it’s a VERY BIG DEAL.. here is why.

My client has been making some massive changes in her business which is catapulting her to new levels and helping her see how influential and important her work is.

Her business is growing.

She is growing.

And it causing everyone around her to uplevel and grow as well.

Here is the thing, her husband is seeing how much she has changed in an amazing way and how she is making what was once a dream, a reality.

It’s not that she hasn’t had a successful business, because she has but her taking it to the next level is inspiring him to now allow himself to dream like he never has before.

This is why I totally believe that our dreams and our talents are not for us, they are for the people we are meant to serve.

The people that need us to shine the light, pave the way, so that they know it’s possible for them as well.

Look at your mentors and the people who you aspire to be like or have helped you get to where you are.

Imagine if they decided to allow fear, doubt, unbelief, worry to hold them back?

What if they decided not to show up?

What if they decided to stay small and comfortable?

Then they would not be where they are today and neither would you!

So let’s flip the switch…

Close your eyes.

Imagine all the people who need your service/product/ talent.

Let it sink in….

Look at all those people.

People who need you.

People who need a pathway.

People who need a mentor.

People who need a LEADER to let them know that it’s ok!!

Now open your eyes.

Look around you.

Where are all those people?

Oh… they are wandering about the world looking for you but they can’t find you.

You know why?


Oh woe is me….

There’s so much work to be done..

What should I be posting?

Does what I have to say even matter?

Im confused?!?!

I don’t feel like doing this today.

Am I good enough?

Oh look a 🐶!!

What if someone doesn’t like what I have to say!

I think I’m just going to continue playing small….

All this and whatever other BS story you tell yourself to keep you from showing up powerfully and authentically to the world.


Stop being so darn selfish and step up!

You were born to do this and you know it.

You were born with your specific talent for a reason, to help those who need your expertise.

Whatever excuse you have, no matter how valid, is invalid.

You’re talents and gifts aren’t meant for you to hoard.

They are meant for you to share.

To serve.

To help and to lead those that are meant to follow you.

When will you realize that your mission is bigger than just yourself?

You are important.

You are worthy.

You are needed.

People are waiting for your gift.

Will you show up open and willing to give?





The Shayla Locklear
The Shayla Locklear

Written by The Shayla Locklear

Wealth Psychology and High Performance Coach to UHNW wealth creators, inheritors, Next Gen, C-Suite executives,and entrepreneurs.