The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2016



Most people look at high performers and admire their success…

Their strength

Their talent

Their drive

They want to know how we are able to accomplish it all with such ease and flow.

They want to learn from us, crack the code, so that they can have a sliver of the same success in their life/business.

But, we have been holding on to a secret that we don’t talk about often.

Oftentimes we pretend it does not exist and refuse to acknowledge it within ourselves, because High Performers don’t have problems right?!?!?

The secret that high performers will never tell you is that a lot of the time we suffer from Not Enoughness or the fear of not being enough.

High performers naturally have an above average expectation for everything, and this can more times than not cause us to be very hard on ourselves.

If we don’t execute to the level of expectation that we set for ourselves, we then begin to feel like we aren’t enough.

Nothing is good enough.

Because we did not perform to our incredibly high standard, we are not enough.

Now understand that although we may not have performed at the level we expected from ourselves, this does not mean that the project we were working on is not a complete success.

Honestly to the average/normal person , they love what we did!!!

They rant and rave about how amazing it is, while in our heads we are almost ashamed to hand it over.

Sometimes we hide behind accolades, praise from others , “Things”… but there is always that void that we can’t seem to fill.

From one High Performer to another I want to tell you that … YOU ARE ENOUGH!!!

Decide TODAY, RIGHT NOW that you are enough.

Just as you are, you are ENOUGH.

Nothing else needed, you are ENOUGH.

This feeling of not enoughness is actually holding you back from performing at even higher levels ( is that even possible?)!!!


Look in the mirror.

Say this to yourself out loud.

Scream it!

Shout it!

I don’t care if you don’t believe it right now, keep saying it until it sinks in.

Keep saying it despite whatever guilt, doubt, fear, failures, less than stellar project or limiting beliefs you have.

Keep saying it despite what your parents may have said, an ex lover, your boss at work, a mean girl in middle school or even the lies that you have told yourself.

Keep saying it until you realize that all the excuses as to why you’re not enough, don’t matter.

Do you know why you are enough?

Because you DECIDE to ALLOW yourself to be enough, no other reason.

You cannot EARN your way to ENOUGH.

Either you aren’t or you are, and dahhhling you ARE!!


Believe it.

Be it.

And so it is. ✨




The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life

Wealth Psychology and High Performance Coach to UHNW wealth creators, inheritors, Next Gen, C-Suite executives,and entrepreneurs.