The Venti Life

The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2016

I remember the day all to well. 😬

I was making my daily run to Starbucks.🏃🏽

Normally this would not have been a big deal but this time, something was a little different..

I was in my car and looked in my wallet. I only had three dollars. Most of the time I would go to the atm and get more money out or just use my card, but I was broke.

BROKE meaning I literally had three dollars to my name and had no clue when I was going to get more cash coming in.

BROKE meaning living at my parents house on the couch while my 3 kids shared 1 bedroom. 😭

BROKE meaning…

No credit cards 💳

No atm

No clients. 👫


But that would not stop me from my daily routine, a Venti NonFat Caramel Macchiato with a Venti Iced Water. Because I have to “Act as if” the money is flowing in….

Act as if the calendar is jam packed with clients….

Act as if life is perfectly manifested…

Acts as if and so it is, Right?!?!✨✨✨

So.. I continue to dig through my car to find change.

Winning… $1.77 in change… That means I have $4.77.

Arrrrgh… Not enough for a Venti ($5.25) but I guess a Grande will do. 🙄

I proceed into Starbucks to order my Grande Caramel Macchiato.

Yuck… That doesn’t even sound right… Grande Caramel Macchiato.

Anyway, as I get to the front of the line I realize I don’t even know what a Grande costs. 😧

The prices boards are down as they are redecorating them.

Of course this would happen to me today!!!

Surely $4.77 is enough?!?!

I get to the front and tell The barista/cashier that I would like a Grande Caramel Macchiato.

The words that come out of his mouth send chills down my spine … “ Awesome! That will be $4……9…….3!” 😫


$4.93. I only have $4.77.

I quickly respond, “ Oh I’m sorry. Can you make that a tall? I left my wallet in the car.” Which he knew was a lie because my wallet was laying on the top of my books in my purse. Clearly in his line of sight. 😳

“ No problem. That will be $4.19"

I shamefully gave him the money.

Put the remaining change in the tip jar and moved over to the pick up area.


All I could afford was a tall!

Who ever in their right mind gets a tall?

Why do they even offer talls?

Am I supposed to drink this like a shot?

The barista calls my name, “ Shayla! Grande caramel macchiato!”

Oh my goodness!!!

The coffee Gods are sprinkling a little love on my day. ☕️

The nice cashier must have known my struggle. What an angel! 😇

I picked up my Grande Caramel Macchiato and head off to my table to do some business building.

At that EXACT moment I decided that I could no longer continue down this same path.

FUCK this thing called STRUGGLE! 🖕🏼

No matter that I had to move in with my parents because I couldn’t afford my beautiful house any longer….

No matter that my kids went from having their own separate rooms to sharing one….

No matter that I went from having 6- figures in the bank consistently, to being completely flat broke….

The moment I realized that I had to go from a Venti to a Tall, a lightbulb. went off! 😉💡💡

From that day on I vowed to NEVER struggle another day in my life!

I vowed that success would be easy for me and that I’d always be able to afford any and everything I wanted in life. 💰✈️🏯❤️🙌🏽🎉

I vowed to live the #VentiLifestyle and that’s my current reality.


All day.


There will be a time in your life and biz where you decide that you no longer are going to accept the bullshit.

You no longer are going to accept the struggle.

You no longer are going to accept anything less than what it is that you want.

My hope for you is that happens before you can only afford a tall Starbucks coffee!

You can have it All and it can be easy and in flow… With a Venti in your hand to help you along the way 😘😘😘




The Shayla Locklear
The Unlmtd Life

Wealth Psychology and High Performance Coach to UHNW wealth creators, inheritors, Next Gen, C-Suite executives,and entrepreneurs.