1 — Gotta catch em’ all !

The Unlucky Billionaire
4 min readJul 15, 2016

“…and with the recent success of ‘Pokemon Go!’ it strengthens our assumption that VR is gonna take over the world…blah blah blah…VR VR VR…blah blah blah…DAU MAU FU….”

I’m currently sitting in an emergency meeting with one of our Management Consultant firms to discuss our ‘Pokemon Go!’ strategy. Jason who is 5'11", brown haired and a Harvard Business School Grad is presenting to everyone on how the sudden rise of ‘Pokemon Go!’ is beneficial to us.

“Alexa! Have you seen my keys? — Never mind found em, bye!”, I yelled as I walked out into the front veranda. I took a moment to cherish how quiet and peaceful it is inside my 20,000 square feet property. I still remember how the architect suggested that I plant a row of dense trees all around the boundary to block the noise, heck she said I could have two rows if I wanted to. Somehow that didn’t feel right. I felt people living around my house would find that to be a rude gesture. But I had to do something to block the noise! So I decided to build a mere 4 feet high wall and put up 10 feet high metal panels on top of it. ‘Genius!’ I thought to myself as got in the car to drive to work.

As I parked my car on campus, I couldn’t help but take my phone out just to make sure I didn’t run over a Pokemon while driving into work. It annoys me how little control we have over our physical locations in the virtual world. Is this the same lack of control people feel with their data when they’re on the internet? — Now for the worst part of my day. As I enter the building and walk towards the conference room, everyone I see on the way feels a need to say hi, smile or walks past me awkwardly. I can’t wait to get a VR headset on everybody’s face, I can then finally slip past them without ever being noticed! I reach the conference room, looks like everyone’s been waiting for me. I pull up a chair and we being.

Sometimes I feel that Management Consultants use a lot of jargon just so that everybody shuts the fuck up and tells them what a great job they’ve done. Right now they can’t stop going on and on about how, “VR (Virtual Reality) is poised to take over the world”, because ‘Pokemon Go!’ has been such a hit in the past couple of days. I’m really pissed that ‘Pokemon Go!’ was not made by us, but Jason’s strategy is that we copy ‘Pokemon Go!’ as closely as we can legally and make it so popular that it would almost seem like it was our idea in the first place. Naturally, this is what came to my mind too. Anyways, with that we wrapped up the meeting and I left the room. I swear to god, if I hear the words ‘Pokemon Go!’ one more time I’m gonna kill someone!

Usually the entire open-office area is filled with people typing really hard on their keyboards, people chatting in groups, people walking with their laptop’s in their hand, people high-fiving each other, people high-fiving each other while holding a laptop in their hand! But as I left the conference room, the floor seemed extremely empty. There was a group of Product Designers who were wandering on the floor holding up their cellphones. Probably broadcasting a Live Video I thought as I approached them, “Hey guys! Where’s everybody?”, to which one of them answered, “There’s a rare Pokemon in the building so we’re all trying to catch em!”


Walking back towards his cabin, he took a moment to stand in front of one of the many graffiti painted around the office. He rest both his hands on the wall, closed his eyes and gently lowered his head for a moment allowing all the negative thoughts and energies to flow from his body outwards onto the wall.

Feeling completely relaxed he went into his office cabin and as he leaned back on his chair, his monitor lit up prompting him to type his password; “dadada” he typed and hit enter. He caught a glimpse of the tab open in his browser, it was something that had been haunting him since the past couple of months, it was something far more worrying than the sudden rise of a Pokemon-game. Before he could begin inquiring further he received a text on his phone.

“Mark, we’re ready for your next meeting.”

