Trump wasting time on ESPN explained…

Trump’s love to tweet continues.

The Unprofessionals
3 min readSep 15, 2017


If you wanted Donald Trump to stop dabbling in irrelevant things and stick to important government work, I wouldn’t continue reading.

Usually our president likes to attack media outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. However, he seemingly got bored with them. This comes after months of berating them and wasting everyone’s time with pointless attacks. Today, he decided to lash out at the world wide leader in sports, ESPN.

Trump’s attack on ESPN comes after their prime time show SportsCenter (yes this show still exists) anchor Jemele Hill, let her opinions fly on Twitter saying, “Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.”

After a few days of taking hits as well as words of support over the Internet and television, Hill tweeted out the following note.

ESPN accepted her apology shortly after,

“Jemele has a right to her personal opinions, but not to publicly share them on a platform that implies that she was in any way speaking on behalf of ESPN. She has acknowledged that her tweets crossed that line and has apologized for doing so. We accept her apology.”

ThinkProgress reported that, during the crisis at ESPN, they tried to replace her the same night her tweet was published.

“Late Wednesday morning, after a contentious meeting, a top executive at ESPN told Hill to go home. She was seen in the parking lot around 11:30 a.m. ET, the time she is usually in meetings to plan out the show.

When he learned that Hill was sent home, Smith immediately made it known that he would not appear on the 6 p.m. broadcast without her. That left ESPN with no hosts for its flagship show, scheduled to start in just a few hours.

ESPN then reached out to multiple anchors, including Elle Duncan and Michael Eaves, the two anchors mentioned in the original report, to check their availability for the 6:00 p.m. show. According to sources, Duncan and others told ESPN they were not available to fill in. ThinkProgress has subsequently learned that ESPN reached out to other anchors regarding their availability, including white hosts.

Some sources who spoke to ThinkProgress said they believed ESPN preferred to replace Jemele Hill and Michael Smith with a black host. Other sources pushed back strongly against this notion, saying that ESPN was in a crisis mode and looking for anyone to fill in, regardless of race.”


ESPN declined to comment on this.

Although, in the initial report, they denied these claims.

This entire debacle came after White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said on Wednesday that the comments from Hill on President Trump should be a “fireable offense by ESPN.”

Turns out, you don’t have to cover Trump to be attacked by him. You just need to have someone who doesn’t like him on your payroll.

We’ll have to wait and see if he chooses to continue his dive into sports media.

Perhaps he’ll eventually praise Fox Sports for grabbing Skip Bayless from ESPN. Seems like those two would get along well.

