The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: 2 Sport Athlete and 1 Bad Pass

Harry Wahl
The Unprofessionals
3 min readNov 14, 2017

This week the NFL landscape didn’t change much but stop me if you’ve heard these story lines before: Bengals Vontaze Burfict was ejected from a game, Phillip Rivers and the Chargers lost another close game and Seahawks Russell Wilson kept a play alive with crazy maneuvers. In College Football the mighty (Georgia and Notre Dame) have fallen while “The U” (maybe) is back! With only a few weeks left suddenly every fan base is staring at their schedules wondering how and if they are going to make it to the College Football Playoff. For the rest of the weird and wacky, here is this week in sports:

The Good: Dual Sport Athletes

Move over Deion Sanders and Bo Jackson. The real greatest two sport athlete of our time has arrived and his name is Mookie Betts. The Red Sox outfielder stated his claim to the crown this Sunday when he bowled a perfect game during the Professional Bowlers Association’s World Championship. The perfect game was Mookie’s first in professional competition but certainly will not be the last.

The Bad: NFL Safety

For a league that prides itself on trying to take the rights steps toward a safer product on the field the NFL showed a glaring lapse in judgement this past weekend. Only a few minutes into the second quarter of the Broncos and Denver game is when the incident happened. On third and six the Broncos fearless leader Brock Oswiler rolled to his left but as the New England pressure closed in he let his cannon of an arm loose and the results were devastating. His pass sailed like a shooting star way out of bounds before turning into a meteorite hurling back down to earth and straight into the head of an unsuspecting, innocent bystander on the sidelines. Head injuries are a serious matter and I for look forward to the NFL’s plan to protect everyone’s noggin on and off the field. For those brave enough to watch it here is the raw unedited version of Sunday’s disaster.

The Ugly: John Fox’s Challenge

Chicago Bears coach John Fox literally won the battle and lost the war this past Sunday while challenging a play. Running back Benny Cunningham caught a pass and lunged for the end zone but was ruled out at the two yard line. Naturally Fox challenged the play hoping to get the call overturned and a touchdown for his team. What Fox and most everyone watching didn’t expect was that the call would be overturned for a turnover, not a touchdown. The officials ruled that Cunningham fumbled into the end zone, resulting in a touch back and the ball to go to Green Bay. John Fox is currently 2/3 for challenges won this year.

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Harry Wahl
The Unprofessionals

Writer/Podcaster @ interesting thoughts and takes on sports of all sorts