The Good, The Bad & The Ugly: Good Boys, Bad Attendance & Worse Tweets

Harry Wahl
The Unprofessionals
4 min readSep 19, 2017

This past week the Cleveland Indians historic 22 game MLB win streak came to an end. While the Indians picked the best time to peak the LA Dodgers have picked the worst time to fall apart, going 5–17 in that same stretch. The team that was at one point thought to have a shot at the best record ever in Major League Baseball is now limping badly into the postseason. A weak slate of college football games turned out to be way more exciting than predicted with a last second Hail Mary and a notable upset while in the NFL 3 teams have yet to even score a touchdown. With the table set lets dive into the good, the bad and the ugly from the past week in sports:

The Good: Yankee’s Sense of Humor

Last week as the Yankee’s Todd Frazier hit a three run home run at Citi Field, home of the Mets, the camera panned a mixed crowd before stopping on one fan in particular who was upset with the recent developments in the game:

And just like that — a meme was born. The Mets season ticket holder became an internet sensation and the Yankees have since adopted the thumbs down as a rallying cry of sorts — throwing up the thumbs down from the dugout, after a big play etc. Basically kudos for the Yankees for not taking themselves too seriously.

BONUS GOOD: The Boise State Football Team dog is a very good boy

The Bad: Los Angeles Football Attendance

Los Angeles is the 2nd largest city in the United States and is now home to two NFL football teams but can’t seem to fill the seats for either team. The Chargers are currently playing in a revamped soccer stadium that seats 27,000. This past week they were only able to fill 25,381 of those seats in their loss against the Dolphins. Across the city the Los Angeles Rams are currently sharing the Los Angeles Coliseum with the USC Trojans but the college team is having much more success filling the seats. This past weekend the Trojans filled 84,714 seats playing the Texas Longhorns while a mere 24 hours later the Rams were only able to fill 56,612. Yes, not only did a college game draw a bigger crowd than an NFL game, the USC vs Texas game had a bigger crowd than BOTH NFL games held in Los Angeles the following day.

The Ugly: Kevin Durant’s Twitter

We learned in the past 24 hours that Kevin Durant uses fake Twitter profiles to defend himself and push his own agenda on the social media platform. We unfortunately learned this when Kevin seemingly forgot to switch over to his fake accounts and instead replied to tweets directed at him while referring to himself in the third person and taking shots at his former team. This brings a whole series of follow up questions hard hitting sports journalists need to dig into for answers. For example how many fake profiles are there? Is it just Twitter? Is this rampant in the NBA? Regardless this is clearly not a good look for KD but in an era of fake news its more important now than ever that we get to the bottom of this issue.


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Harry Wahl
The Unprofessionals

Writer/Podcaster @ interesting thoughts and takes on sports of all sorts