Are You There?

Arundhati Gupta
The Unpublished Diary
1 min readFeb 4, 2020
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Knock knock! Are you there? Everybody is searching for you. Please come and meet us once.

Are you the one looking for peace and happiness? And, do you believe in supernatural powers? Well! I don’t know about other creatures on this Earth but I have mixed beliefs in this regards.

I used to worship the idols and had immense faith in such powers, which we all recognise by the name — God. We belong to different religions and we worship God in different forms and figures. But, have you ever questioned yourself if God really exists or is it all science?

I have realised that even when I try to believe science, I end up uttering my God’s name. I recently started asking myself if there is an entity called God. But, one thing is certain that whenever I take the name of God, I feel a different kind of energy and faith and that gives me immense power to continue breathing and working.

Sometimes, I feel that Faith is the other name of God. What do you think about the existence of God? Do leave your comments in case you have any feelings or related thoughts to share. 🙂

