Still A Taboo?

Arundhati Gupta
The Unpublished Diary
3 min readJan 15, 2020
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Wait wait wait! If you think I am just gonna narrate a boring story here because I am sick, then let me tell you I too like some music by Arijit Singh and love to watch movies like you and I am completely normal like you. So, you might want to continue reading this a bit…

“Ah! you shouldn’t write about it. You might be judged.”

Have you known what it is to live in a dead body? Can’t understand? Wait, let me explain. Do you know what it is to be dead yet moving, walking, listening to music, going to college and facing life?

Actually, this is what mental illness looks like. Having known people who suffer from mental illnesses closely, I have had at least a glimpse of what the real pain looks like. It is like a monster with which the brave sufferers fight every moment of their lives.

And, what do we do? We make it even worse! Worse by telling them that their suffering is unreal and that they are MAD. We make them feel that they are ‘abnormal’ and that they don’t deserve a better life. Moreover, we make them feel as if they are a burden for society.

When somebody is suffering physically and is close to death we make every possible effort to save them but we overlook or maybe tend to overlook people who die every single moment of their lives by suffering from a mental illness. Rather we add to their suffering by associating a stigma with their illness and by calling it a taboo!

Why is mental illness still a taboo? Why is there a stigma associated with it? Can anybody please explain to me WHY???

As educated people, we need to write and talk more about this subject so that the sleeping eyes could wake up and together we can help the people in need. They too can live a normal life with our help. Just a little empathy is what we all need to show!

Do check out more work from my diary at “The Unpublished Diary”. 🙂📓

Also, if you’re interested in technical blogs, do check out “Techtics”. 👩‍💻 👨‍💻

I am also passionate about creating awareness around mental health. Do check out “It Matters” and do join us in case you are willing to contribute to the cause. 👩‍⚕👨‍⚕

