Career Misalignment is Costing You More Than Just Time

Uncover the financial impact of staying in a misaligned job

Shannon D. Smith
The Unscripted


Staying in a job that doesn’t quite fit may seem like minor inconvenience.

After all, you’ve got a steady paycheck, benefits, and even some sense of job security.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

If you don’t snap out of it and start paying attention, you could be in for a rude awakening.

You see, misalignment in your career isn’t just about feeling uninspired or bored — it’s about the financial consequences that can snowball over time. I remember when I first stumbled upon the statistics about the wage gap between women and men. It was like being hit with a ton of bricks.

To make matters worse, the numbers for Black and Latina women were even more devastating. It grieved me deeply, but it also lit a fire within me to understand how these disparities compound when you add career misalignment into the mix.

The Hidden Costs of Career Misalignment

When you’re in a job that doesn’t align with your skills, values, or goals, you’re not just losing time — you’re losing money



Shannon D. Smith
The Unscripted

L&D Consultant who empowers mid-career corporate professionals to find the career alignment they deserve.