Fundamentals of Caring

The warm movie

Saswati Pradhan
The Unscripted
2 min readAug 4, 2024


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

It is an unsaid rule for me to not write movie reviews because I am the movie buff who somehow manages to find some good highlights in most films, as well as pinpoint those with mistakes or loopholes. With great power comes great responsibility, and with both my parents working, my brother and I had the power to slack off enough to fit in a movie per day and dissect it like no other. We would find mistakes in each movie, cinematic loopholes, and even create Emmy nominations for the best underdog character, best perks of a character, etc.

The Fundamentals of Caring is a fine one that I almost always recommend to every close person in my life. I wonder why I kept it limited to my close ones only; here’s my attempt to mend that situation.

This movie is rightly placed with humour at its heart, accentuating the evolving power of human connections. It flows effortlessly, with casual banter ongoing throughout. In this journey, people meet as strangers and grow by helping each other so effortlessly. The main character is a former writer turned caregiver for a patient with muscular dystrophy. To not steal the first-time experience of watching the movie, I’ll spare the details. The human bond unravels empathy, resilience, and the healing power of having good people around you. Now that I think of it, I recommend it to my close ones simply because I associate them as the good people I want to keep around and heal with.

The actors have done a wonderful job with the characters, and the movie is a loud reminder of one’s capacity to change and connect despite life sloshing its harshness at you.

This is a short writing piece so you can save time for the movie. At last, the fundamentals of caring go by the acronym: ALOHA.

Ask, Listen, Observe, Help, Ask again!!

Now, that I have worded out the seriousness of the message conveyed by the movie, one may wonder how well would it be spiced with humour, check it out! I am sure you won’t regret it.

