
Sun and Shadow

Childhood memories of summertime

Stephanie Wilsey
The Unscripted


Dripping dry, I stare
At the pavement

Undulating pattern
Of wave upon wave
Sunlight, then shadow

When the shadow comes, coldness accompanies
When sunlight appears, brilliant dryness arrives

Reaching my swimsuit
I wiggle in pleasure
Only to halt, erect
When shadow inevitably comes

Hypnotized, I wait for my friend
He’s coming, maybe

Who knew our road could be so mesmerizing
Time suspended

Did I already swim?
Perhaps my friend came before
Before the sun and shadow

The heat makes my head fuzzy

I should decide
Decide to wait, or to swim (again?), or to go inside
And literally throw in the towel

Into the upstairs hamper
And tuck in for the night

But I won’t
I’ll wait here, this time with eyes closed

I can feel the waves, feel the slight temperature change and shift in the wind

My hair dries in a muddled mess, squished against my head
The long yellow tresses
Sticky and wavy

Not attractive

But no matter
My friend will come and we will run free into the woods
Or maybe the crick

Unlikely to be in the pool again
We are responsible firstborns and the day is too far past for that

For now, I wait
Kept company by the clouds

The shade no longer alarms me, inexorable wave upon wave

Shadow and sun alternating together
As they will throughout my life

The sun is not always healing nor is the shade destructive
But I can feel the difference between the two

I accept each, and bare my face in open submission
Eyes closed
Mouth resting in a content smile

I was reminded recently of a childhood memory after seeing a similar pattern of sun and shadow this summer. It’s amazing how quickly we can be transported into the past from these deja vu-type experiences!



Stephanie Wilsey
The Unscripted

Bibliophile who’s particularly into the Christian contemplative tradition and ancient wisdom for modern times.