The Only Secret to Success…

seeing only the tip of an iceberg

Preitkaur Sodhi
The Unscripted
2 min readMay 19, 2024


Photo by Mahdi Dastmard on Unsplash

Everyone Aims for Success In Life

  • Some want to have a well-paying job.
  • Some want to run a successful business.
  • Some want a loving partner.
  • Some want to become famous.
  • Some want to become fit
  • Some want to own a car.
  • Some want to become perfect in their skill.

When We Become Insecure

We become doubtful whether we can have what we desire or not.

Thanks to social media for highlighting only the perfect moments of the lives of people that add to our insecurity.

As a result of our fear, we become superstitious. We look for shortcuts. We search for secret formulas to success.

We feel others are lucky and we are not. We doubt our destiny. We suddenly feel like we have no talent or any ability.

Eventually, we end up doing things that have no relation to our goals. Further, we see others doing good. We feel insecure. We end up being stuck in this endless loop.

We Only See the Tip of An Iceberg

We never see the imperfections and struggles.

  • We can only see the perfect writeups but we never see many rejected drafts.
  • We can only see the singer with perfect vocals, but not the hours they devoted to shaping their voice.
  • We can only see the perfect athletes, but not the sleepless nights they devoted to perfecting their skills.
  • We can only see successful influencers or creators with millions of followers but we don’t see how much they failed and tried different ways out.

So, comparing your seed to someone's tree won't work. Have patience. The only secret to success is to wait for a better time to come.

The only condition is not giving up on your aim and showing up every day even if the results are visible or not.



Preitkaur Sodhi
The Unscripted

I talk about life experiences, self-improvement and different perspectives to see life.