The Unscripted: Submission Guidelines

Vulnerability + Wisdom + You. It’s called Unscripted.

Gaurav Dahiya
The Unscripted


The Unscripted

Welcome to “The Unscripted,” your place to write better and learn about self-growth, relationships, parenting, and mental health. I’m Gaurav, the founder, and I’m here to help you share your voice!

We connect writers and readers who love great stories, but we only share the best stuff!

How to Become a Writer for The Unscripted

Want to write for “The Unscripted”?

We’re open to everyone, but we focus on quality. A few things before we proceed:

  • Please submit stories that are currently unpublished on Medium.
  • We will not publish any defamatory or malicious articles about other publications or writers.
  • To be added as a writer, first, follow The Unscripted and comment below with your username. I’ll add you as a writer.

What It Takes to Get Published

Here are the submission tips in simple, clear words:

  • Headlines: Be clear — tell readers what your story’s about.
  • Grammar: No wonky words or sentences. Ensure your work is polished. Use tools like Grammarly if needed.



Gaurav Dahiya
The Unscripted

Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Health Enthusiast | Conscious & Natural Living Advocate | Inquiries:➡️