Crimes Against the Uyghurs

Maryam Tahir
The Unsolved
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2022

The mass ethnic cleansing that no one talks about in China.

Who are the Uyghurs? Lately, the situation with enslaved Uyghur Muslims has been gaining traction on the internet. The Uyghurs are a mainly Muslim ethnic group in the Chinese province of Xinxiang — where they are a minority — and are being put into re-education camps. These camps have been steadily growing since 2018 and defy many human rights laws.

Uyghur Muslims in Camps in China

According to the UN, there are 39 countries that have labelled their treatment a genocide including Canada. On the 23rd of February 2021, the Canadian Parliament passed a motion, 266 to 0, declaring the treatment of Uyghurs a genocide.

So, what is actually happening to these people 39 countries are considering it a genocide. According to leading human rights groups in the area (Amnesty and Human Rights Watch) and the UN human rights committee, more than 1 million Uyghurs are being held against their will in camps. Many groups have also found evidence that Uyghurs are being used for forced labour and women are being forced into abortion. Former camp detainees have alleged that they were tortured and sexually abused.

The treatment of these people not only violates the most basic human rights but is also considered a crime against humanity as stated by the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. As a society that works to protect human rights within our own borders I am proud that Canadians have decided to do so internationally as well, I hope that they continue on this path and take further steps to protect the Uyghurs in both their foreign and immigration policies.

