U.S. Army Psychics?

Alan Yarborough
The Unveiling
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2023


By: Alan K. Yarborough

The concept of “psychic soldiers” — soldiers trained to use their psychic abilities for military and intelligence purposes — has been the subject of much speculation and controversy. While some people believe that psychic abilities, such as telepathy and precognition, could be valuable tools for military and intelligence operations, giving soldiers a tactical advantage over their enemies, others argue that psychic abilities are not real, and that the pursuit of such abilities is a waste of time and resources.

The U.S. Army has a long history of investigating the potential use of psychic abilities for military and intelligence purposes. In the 1970s and 1980s, the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) established a program known as Project Stargate to investigate the use of psychic abilities, including remote viewing and telepathy, for intelligence gathering and other military purposes.

The Project Stargate program was a classified effort that was funded by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). It included a number of experiments and studies that aimed to test the validity of psychic abilities, and a team of psychic viewers was recruited to participate in the program.

The results of the Project Stargate studies were mixed, with some studies producing promising results, while others found no evidence of the effectiveness of psychic abilities. Despite this, the program was controversial, and it was eventually terminated in the 1990s.

In conclusion, the U.S. Army has a long history of investigating the potential use of psychic abilities for military and intelligence purposes, including the establishment of the Project Stargate program in the 1970s and 1980s. The results of these studies were mixed, and the existence of psychic abilities remains a controversial topic in the scientific community.



Alan Yarborough
The Unveiling

Soldier turned entrepreneur, writer and academic. Interests: Trail Running, the Ocean and Travel.