The Unspoken Rules of Freelancing: What No One is Telling You

You are wasting your time on YouTube videos for nothing in results

Ritesh Sharma
The UpGrade Bulletin


Alright, strap in because I’m about to spill the honest tea on freelancing, the kind that those “gurus” on YouTube conveniently forget to mention while they’re busy flashing their Lamborghinis and penthouses.

Yeah, I’m talking about the nitty-gritty, the down and dirty, the stuff no one is telling you about freelancing.

Freelancing truth by Ritesh Sharma

Rule 1: The Client is NOT Always Right

Let’s get this out of the way: that age-old adage that “the customer is always right”? Complete and utter bullshit.

Sometimes, clients have the IQ of a rock and wouldn’t know a good idea if it slapped them in the face. It’s your job, nay, your duty, to steer them right, even if it means going head-to-head with them in a battle of wits.

Rule 2: You’re Going to Work More, Not Less

Oh, you thought freelancing was your ticket to the easy life, lounging around in your pajamas all day while the money rolls in?

Think again, sunshine. You will be working your a*s off, probably more than you did in your 9–5 job.

Weekends? Holidays? Those are for amateurs. Welcome to the 24/7 hustle.

Rule 3: Networking is Your Lifeline

Listen up because this is the golden rule of freelancing. Your network is everything. And I mean everything.

Forget about your skills, your portfolio, or your fancy degrees. You’re shouting into the void if you don’t know the right people.

So start rubbing elbows with the big shots, even if it means enduring endless Zoom calls with people with a wet blanket personality.

Rule 4: You’re Going to Fail — Many times

Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of epic failures. Projects that go belly up, clients who ghost you, and ideas that crash and burn.

It’s all part of the game, baby. The key is to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and jump back into the fray with a shit-eating grin because you know that you’re one step closer to success with each failure.

Rule 5: Your Worth is Not Defined by Your Last Gig

Here’s a little nugget of wisdom: you are not your last project. So you had a gig that went south? Big deal. Don’t let it define you. You are a badass freelancer with the skills to pay the bills. Don’t you forget it.

The Final Word

Alright, I’ve laid it all out for you: the unfiltered, unadulterated truth about freelancing. It’s a wild ride, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and yes, a few punches to the gut.

But let me tell you, when you nail it, when you land that dream project and see your hard work come to fruition, there’s no better feeling in the world.

So go out there and conquer the freelancing world, you crazy diamond. Remember, in this jungle, it’s eat or be eaten. And you? You’re a damn predator, ready to claim your throne at the top of the food chain.

More about the Author: I am Ritesh Sharma, I love writing about Digital Marketing Niche. I regularly write contents on 99webdesign (A Digital Marketing Agency).

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Ritesh Sharma
The UpGrade Bulletin

Driving Digital Success: Strategist, and ROI-Driven Digital Marketer, SEO Copywriter.