Is your past holding you back from love?

Tess Brigham, MFT
How to Kick-Ass in your Twenties
2 min readApr 25, 2019

I remember in school being told, “If you don’t understand your history, you’re doomed to repeat it.” When I was young I didn’t really get it…I didn’t understand why we had to go back in time and learn about our history.

Just brush yourself off and keep moving forward! Boy was I wrong about the importance of history.

Our histories are important to who we are today and how we view the world. Our past helps us understand why we’re reacting and behaving the way we are when we get into trouble, encounter stress or receive a golden opportunity.

So what does your past tell you about how you love today?

Action Step: Identify one way your past is affecting how you love in the present.

Are you hung up on an ex? Did someone break your heart in the past and you just can’t get over the hurt? If so, how is that affecting you today in your relationships?

Did you do something you regret in the past when it comes to a relationship? Are you fearful of making new friends because you think you might accidentally hurt someone again?

Did you have a complicated relationship with your mother or father and those feelings continue to affect how you approach relationships today?

Understanding ourselves feels a bit like a mystery sometimes but if you want to love differently then you need to dig into your past to see what you’re carrying with you into the future.

As always, share with me your thoughts.

And take my quiz, Are you ready to date?

Have a great day!

