Let Love Rule

Tess Brigham, MFT
How to Kick-Ass in your Twenties
1 min readApr 25, 2019

Have a great day!I want to get you excited and ready to tackle what we’re going to talk about today…LOVE.

Wait…wait…don’t leave me…I know this is a touchy topic. If you’re single, not only is the entire month of February challenging and everything leading up to it can suck and feels like weeks of never-ending torture.

But seeing your best friend with a new partner that she or he is falling in love with can be extremely challenging as well.

On one hand you want to be supportive and excited for your friend. But on the other hand, you’re thinking, why isn’t that me?

Today’s topic: Rethinking LOVE

No matter where you stand at this moment I want to plant a simple seed…I want you to start thinking about LOVE.

I want you to think about your relationships with friends, family, significant others and most importantly, yourself. What does it mean to love someone?

What does it mean to love yourself?

Spend a little time thinking about these questions and in the meantime…let’s have some fun!

Action Step: Take the quiz

I created a Love Quiz, Are you Ready to Date?

I’d love for you to take it and share your results with me!

