Now that you’ve got the time and space

Tess Brigham, MFT
How to Kick-Ass in your Twenties
3 min readMay 13, 2019

How’s it going?! Well it’s been quite a month. The sun is finally out and it’s light later and later which I love and I haven’t worn a sweater in a week! You know what that means…spring has arrived.

This month we’ve been decluttering and letting go of the big things and the small things in our lives that just don’t work for us anymore. I’ve gotten rid of bags and bags of clothes and shoes and I’ve even managed to get my son to organize his lego collection! (Not an easy task…every set if vital to his collection.)

Now you’ve got time and space and you’re ready to move into this new season with the confidence and clarity you need to start kicking some serious ass by summertime.

Today’s topic: How to find that clarity

As I decluttered my home this past month I found myself full of new ideas and plans for the future. I’ve been creating more and feel ready to move into the next phase of my business. Sometimes all you need is the clean off your desk to get moving in the right direction.

But what do you do if you’re struggling to find that clarity?

One of my favorite exercises is from a book that originally came out in the 90s (my era) called, “The Artist’s Way.” This book was all the craze and the exercise everyone was doing was — morning pages.

One of the first things you do every single morning shortly after waking up (I always need coffee first myself) is to free write three (3) pages in a notebook. It doesn’t matter what you write, no one is going to read it. You can write how stupid this exercise is and how tired you are and how you can’t believe you’re actually doing this stupid exercise.

But soon something magical will start to happen…you’ll start to get to what is really bothering you and what is getting in your way of achieving your goals.

This exercise is a way for artists (we’re all artists) to get rid of all of that negative self-talk, all the judgement and other junk that keeps them from creating beautiful and daring work. We all do this to ourselves. We get excited about a project, sit down to work on it and then we start thinking about what our boss would say or what our mother would think and suddenly all that creativity and excitement is out the window.

Morning pages is your opportunity to get rid of all of that before you even start your day.

Do it for one (1) week and let me know how it goes. This is a great exercise and one that many authors use when writing their books.

Action Step: Book a Strategy session

Now that you have more physical and mental space, it’s time to invest in yourself and start get the confidence and clarity you need to make 2019 the most amazing, awesomest year ever!

As a direct result of working with me you’re going to get clearer on your goals and learn how to develop the mindset you need to make those goals happen.

If you’re ready to stop going in circles, stop going down the rabbit hole, stop all the negative self-talk then book a Kick-ass Coaching Session with me!

In this session we’re going to help you sort out all of those thoughts swirling around in your head and make sense of where and how to start and by the end of the session you’re going to walk away with one kick-ass plan of action.

