Quarter-Life Career Crisis?! Is that a thing

Tess Brigham, MFT
How to Kick-Ass in your Twenties
3 min readSep 23, 2019

As summer winds comes to a close you may be thinking it might be a good time to make some major changes in your life. As seasons change we often feel the need to make big changes.

You might even feel like it’s more the “end of summer blues” You may also be wondering if you’re in the midst of a quarter-life crisis.

Well I’m here to say, “Hi my name is Tess and I too had a quarter-life career crisis. I’m here to tell you I survived and you will too.”

When I was 27 years old I worked for one of the top Talent Managers in the entertainment business. I worked with celebrity clients, I went to fancy parties and screening and I was on the verge of “making it” in Hollywood. From the outside looking in…I seemed to have it all. But I was miserable.

If you are struggling with your own quarter-life career crisis I am here to tell you two very important things:

1) You are NOT alone and;

2) This crisis may be one of the BEST things that could happen to you.

I want to share with you how you can look at this quarter-life career crisis in a brand new way.

That knot in your stomach, that feeling of dread you have when the alarm goes off every Monday morning is a good thing. This is how your body, your mind, your unconscious is trying to tell you to stop feeling afraid and to start doing what you need to do to get the life you want.

So whether you are in the midst of an all out crisis or maybe just feeling like there is “something else out there for me” you can begin to explore how you view work, define for yourself what kind of career hits your “sweet spot” so you start to take action today to become…the person you want to be.


I want you to take a few steps back for a moment so you can begin to explore what work and career mean to you. The reality is that we are all living longer, which means we are all going to be working for a long, long time.

I want you to take some time to really figure out what place “work” is going to hold for you in your life. You don’t have to figure out what you are going to be doing 20 years from now.

Just look at the next 2 or 3 years.

I want you to keep in mind that there are lots of misconceptions about what role work should play in your life. There was a time when you were supposed to ask yourself, “what’s my passion” when determining your next job.

The key to finding the right career for you is NOT identifying and following your passion.

What you need to do is find work that is engaging and meaningful FOR YOU.

Not for your parents or best friend, for you.

How engaged you are at work has nothing to do with how prestigious your job is or how much money you make. It has more to do with having control over your time, and feeling like you are helping people.

Let me know in the comments below if you think you may be going through your own quarter-life career crisis.

