Here Is How Apple Made an Extra $6.5 Billion by One Simple Decision

The Useful Tech
The Useful Tech
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2022


Was it just about the environment?

Source: The Sun

Back in 2020, when Apple launched the iPhone 12, it announced that it would affect the smartphone industry for years to come.

Apple announced that they would be removing the power adapter and EarPods from iPhone packaging starting from the iPhone 12 models.

The company justified this decision by claiming that not including these accessories helps to make smaller packages and allows 70% more boxes to be shipped, and reduces carbon emissions and the mining and use of raw materials required to manufacture them.

According to Apple, this small change will cut over 2 million metric tons of carbon emissions every year, equivalent to removing approximately 450,000 cars from the streets per year.

But what Apple did not tell you is that it will also help increase their profits not just by a slight margin but by over $6.5 Billion, and all they had to do is remove EarPods and chargers from the iPhone boxes.

