The USHCC Foundation
4 min readSep 13, 2017


As part of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) Foundation’s At the Table: Women in Business and Leadership Initiative, they recently held an installment of their At the Table: Speaker Series , entitled “At The Table: Women in the Boardroom” in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Minority women make up only 3.8% of Fortune 500 board seats, and Latina women make up less than 1% of Fortune 500 board seats.

This Speaker Series aimed to give women insight on how to better reach the upper echelons of the corporate world, and how we can all work as a community to increase the representation of women and minorities in corporate boardrooms across the country.

The panel consisted of:

  • Nina Vaca, Chairman & CEO of Pinnacle Group, and a member of the Board of Directors of the USHCC Foundation, Cinemark, Comerica and Kohl’s
  • LeeAnne Linderman, Executive Vice President of Zions Bancorporation, and a member of the Board of Directors for ARUP Labortories, Select Health and Zions Direct
  • Patricia Pineda, former Officer at Toyota North American, and is now on the Board of Directors of Levis Strauss & Co. and Frontier Airlines

All three of these women are trailblazers in their own right and leading figures in the business world. During this speaker series, they provided insight on the under representation of women in corporate boardrooms around the country and what steps we can take as a community to help change this.

From Left to Right: LeeAnne Linderman, Nina Vaca, Patricia Pineda, Javier Palomarez, and Scott Anderson

Here are five pieces of advice from our panelists on what women can do to ensure they achieve career success.

1. Always Have a Plan

“Most things in life don’t happen by accident, they happen through a well thought out strategy executed well.” — LeeAnne Linderman, Executive Vice President, Zions Bancorporation

In the corporate world very few things happen by accident, and it’s important to have a plan in place to help ensure that you are on the right track to achieve your career goals. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities, and have a well thought out plan on how to take advantage of those opportunities when they present themselves.

2. It’s Ok To Seek Out Mentor’s Who Don’t Look Like You

“The strongest voice for the advancement of women is quite frankly men…It’s ok to seek mentorship from a man…” — Nina Vaca, Chairmain & CEO of Pinnacle Group

Men currently hold almost 80% of Fortune 500 board seats, and over 90% of Fortune 500 CEO positions. As there are more men in upper level positions, it means that there are more men making key business decisions. Decisions such as who gets the next promotion or who makes the short list for the next board of director seat. By seeking these men as a mentors, you increase your exposure to people who can help advance your career.

3. Don’t Burn Bridges

“Be careful that you don’t burn bridges because the world is very small.”- Patricia Pineda, Board Member, Levis Strauss & CO., and Frontier Airlines

The corporate world is a lot smaller than you think, especially once you find your niche. Your coworkers are some of the best connections you can make. As they also work up the corporate ladder, you may find yourself needing their help, their connections, a good word on your behalf as you seek your next career advancement, or they may even end up as your boss. Always choose your battles wisely and if it can be avoided don’t burn any bridges because you never know who will be the gatekeeper as you seek to advance your career.

4. Seek Leadership Roles

“You can’t be what you can’t see, have the courage to raise your hand and seek leadership!”- Nina Vaca, Chairman & CEO, Pinnacle Group

It is important for women to actively seek out leadership roles. Get involved in your community, raise your hand and take lead on your companies next project. The only way to make sure you achieve your career goals is to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself in positions that will allow you to gain the experience and connections you need to advance your career!

5. Stand Up For Other Women

“Women have the power to progress one another if we stand together and speak up.”- LeeAnne Linderman, Executive Vice President, Zions Bancorporation

Women can be some of each other’s strongest advocates. Make sure that your fellow women are heard, don’t let others take credit for their ideas or work. Encourage other women to speak and let their voices be heard.



The USHCC Foundation

Our mission is to enrich the experiences of current and future leaders in the world of business through life-long learning and support.