Home of the Brave

Short Essay

Patrick McDonnell
The Usual


Many have come before us.

Many have sacrificed themselves so that we may live a free and resilient life. They believed in the greatness of our country, and they understood that in order to be great we must see beyond ourselves.

We must live a life of meaning. We must create and build together.

I am inspired by our American ancestors. Those who had the courage to stand up for liberty and equality—so that the inventors, the activists, the teachers, and leaders could unleash their creativity, nurture creativity in others and help shape our magnificent country.

I am in awe of those who readily give of themselves without expectation. Those who embody fight, grit, determination, perseverance, and resolve.

These are the characteristics of the Great American Spirit.

I aspire to embody these characteristics, to contribute to our great discourse, to fulfill the social contract, and replenish the fruits that have been given to me.

I believe that there are frontiers all around us. And like the pioneers who went into the west, we must open our eyes and see what things could be.

We must reach for the stars, and dream the impossible. We must push ourselves beyond greatness, and create platforms for people to define their own success.

I am proud of our heritage.

I honor the many that came before us who gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be free.

I thank them.

239 Words

