The Panhandle


Patrick McDonnell
The Usual


There is a park in San Francisco called the Panhandle that leads to a greater park called Golden Gate Park.

This park, a small but significant stretch of green space, juts up over the housing landscape dominating brick and mortar structures with it’s giant secret-garden whimsy and resounding resistance to urban life. Though Oak and Fell streets line either side, there is no hint of forced design, but rather a natural preserved sense of calm with hints of a Frederick Law Olmsted design.

It fits into the urban fabric of the city with ease and fosters activity and spry movement from that of runners, bikers and casual walkers. Kids play in the median of the park, and dog owners through balls with their scooping contraptions that get fetched. Twenty- and thirty- somethings gather on the benches and partake in 420.

There is a gravity and maturity about the park that simply works.

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