15 Best UX Articles of 2015

Cyril Schmitt
The UX Corner
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2015

If you missed them, we cover your back.

We have read a lot of awesome articles from the community this year. We picked up for you the best of what we came through in 2015. Here are 15 links we suggest you to read to start 2016 on the right foot.

Copywriting for UX by Talisa Chang
If copywriting is not your area of expertise yet, here is the perfect article to sharpen. You’ll find a comprehensive approach to write a relevant and efficient copy.

Lean UX vs Agile UX — Is there a Difference by Marcin Treder
Short article that points out the differences between the two design paradigms.

UI./UX Podcasts by Dani Reuven
We saw a bunch of podcasts arising this year, here is a selection to listen to during a quiet Sunday afternoon.

The State of UX Design in 2016 by Fabricio Teixeira
As usual, the guys from uxdesign.co gave a nice snapshot of our craft. A must read to get ready for 2016.

The Birth and Death of Privacy by Greg Ferenstein
In times where our privacy is threatened on a daily basis, this article will give you the key to remember what was and what became privacy over time.

Airbnb’s Design Approach by O'Reilly Radar
Airbnb’s redesign was one hot topic this year in terms of brand identity and user experience. Hear Katie Dill on designing for seven billion people, hiring good people, and the triforce.

Complete Beginner’s Guide to Interaction Design by uxbooth
An exhaustive and comprehensive picture of Interaction Design. Everything is here to approach IxD with serenity.

Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture by uxbooth
On the same mold than the previous article, this guide is perfect to get into Information Architecture.

Global Average UX Salaries by Country by Hanno
“Work for money, design for love” — A nice website to refer to when the question of your salary is brought to the table.

VR Interface Design Pre-Visualisation Methods by Mike Alger
In 2015 VR became huge and it will keep getting bigger next year. A new field to explore in terms of interaction and user experience design. Here is a video that sums up the possibilities VR has to offer.

The Obvious, the Easy, and the Possible by Jason Fried
Interesting approach replacing priority levels by a more explicit scale helping you figure out what really matters.

Don’t Make Me Search by Christopher Butler
From 2013 but still utterly relevant. How to improve the search experience by building a clever and not so much intrusive user profiling? Read and learn.

Some Icons are Verbs, some Icons are Nouns by Wenting Zhang
Clever parallel between iconography and languages. Different shapes, one meaning. Some icons are verbs, others are nouns. Is UI becoming a real language?

Principles of UX Choregraphy by Rebecca Ussai
When motion meets UX. 5 simple principles to create an engaging and captivating User Experience with motion.

The Illusion of Time by Adrian Zumbrunnen
How mastering time perception can improve considerably your user experience. Brilliant article on both form and content.

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Cyril Schmitt
The UX Corner

Lead UX Designer & Design Strategist || Founder @åbility.paris || Co-founder @theuxshop