Evolution myths You probably believe in — Part 2

Sreejani Sen
The Vagus
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2019

Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science — in all of biology.

Start introduction writing here.. focusing more on Creationism misconceptions and myths that need to be debunked..

1. Darwin has the final say

Modern evolutionary theory is built on some — but not all — of Darwin’s ideas, but has gone far beyond them. His proposition that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors is now widely accepted, and considered a foundational concept in science. In a joint publication with Alfred Russel Wallace, he introduced his scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding. Evolution by natural selection was proposed by Darwin was simple but he too committed a grave mistake with The Theory Of Pangenesis in 1868 in his book The Variation Of Animals And Plants Under Domestication.

2. Evolutionary science is not predictive in nature

Some claim that evolution is not scientific in nature. Have you ever tried to compare the growth rates of bacteria in a petri dish culture? Cosmologists do give assumptions of what 200 years from now would the Universe be like. Whereas in 20 hours bacterial cultures evolve. Here lies the uncertainties of evolutionary science.

Industrial Revolution in Europe and United States led to the evolution of the famous peppered moth. It clearly exemplifies that depending on the environmental circumstances, evolution occurs to allow the sustenance of the species. So, it’s quite clear why and how evolution is predictive to nature but not to humans.

3. Evolution is wrong, because the Bible can’t be

As the religious doctrines of humanity gained ground since early Stone Age, it is an indispensable part of human life to get carried away by religion and their holy sayings. Albeit. Pardon me, if I have hurt someone’s feelings, but yes, if Noah boarded the arc with only two copies of each species, can only a single mother and a single father, with a specific genetic makeup can give birth to a hierarchy of variations down the generations? Think.

Evolution needs the blending of genes, it requires interactive sessions between the diverse elements of this natural world. A fixed set of genes cannot bring about such amazing diversity.

4. Evolution should not be able to create complex life forms

Tailing of what I said in the above point, evolution does create complex life forms but at the same time it is to be borne in the minds of all my readers, that evolution is not the sole performer of the show. Diversity comes from a single thermophilic bacteria or a cyanobacteria to present day chloroplast, due to evolution, assisted by Natural Selection, Recombination of diverse alleles that promoted the sustenance of these modifications.

5. Evolution is a completely random process

There are several factors that attribute to evolution. As an amateur, it’s always Natural Selection that strikes our mind the moment we think of evolution. However there are several other phenomenon that nature supports like genetic drift, recombination of genes, mutations, migration of species (allopatric and sympatric speciation) and so on and so forth.

Evolution is not random.

There are some other misconceptions that you might have regarding evolution, which I have covered in Part 1 of Evolution myths You probably believe in.

Give it a read, you might just be surprised!



Sreejani Sen
The Vagus

An aspiring Molecular Biologist, chasing her childhood dreams, zealous to establish her own identity who takes the path, less travelled by.