How to develop your skills as a Product Owner or Product Manager to become a Product Leader

Robbin Schuurman
Professional Product Management
9 min readApr 5, 2022

In order to help product professionals (Product Owners and Product Managers), their leaders, and organizations, we’d like to introduce you to the Professional Product Management Framework. With this post. you will learn more about the skills and competencies that make Product Owners, Product Managers, and Product Leaders great ones. You will be offered a holistic perspective on the craft of product management, and you’ll have a framework for evaluating your capabilities as a product person, in order to develop the right skills to move your career, and the profession of product management, forward.

Here’s a quick question for you to get started:
What is the number #1 reason for Product Owners and Product Managers to leave a company?

If you knew the answer, or guessed correctly, it’s because of ‘glass ceilings’. Research, surveys, and interviews among product professionals have shown over, and over, and over, that the most important reason to leave a company is that there is no room to grow. There are little to no opportunities for: taking more ownership, learning new skills, and for advancing their careers.

Great products delivered by amazing people form the heart of any great company. Today’s organizations are uncovering ways to more effectively and efficiently deliver products and services of value. However, delivering value to customers remains a challenge in the industry. Companies are reinventing themselves in a way that power trickles down to the people and teams with the right knowledge and insights to make decisions. This change exposes a new kind of problem though; the need for product leadership.

Product Management at the intersection between Desirability, Feasibility, and Viability

Knowing what to build for whom and why, is what every company needs to find out fast, in order to stay relevant and successful. Often the answer lies at the intersection of (1) something customers love (2) something with great market potential and (3) something that is feasible to create. That intersection, where UX, Business, and Tech meet, is a great place to be. But it is an everchanging journey to get there. This is why we need to move the profession of product management forward. The Professional Product Management Competency Framework is there to do exactly that.

What is Professional Product Management (PPM)?

The role of Product Owner (PO) or Product Manager (PM) is often referred to as the “CEO of the product”. As great as that sounds, the practice has shown to be different. Martin Eriksson points this out well, “Product managers simply don’t have any direct authority over most of the things needed to make their products successful — from user and data research through design and development to marketing, sales, and support.” Although Product Owners and Product Managers are not the actual CEO of a product, this shouldn’t stop them from thinking like a CEO, or thinking like an entrepreneur. It shouldn’t stop them from developing a broad range of skills, including business and leadership skills. It’s not only about the next feature, it’s also about understanding the domain of your product, and creating the autonomy to move your product ahead.

“At the end of the day, your job isn’t to get the requirements right — your job is to change the world.”

— Jeff Patton, Veteran Product Manager and Consultant

Product Management is a complex, yet amazing profession. Product Managers require a broad range of capabilities, knowledge and competences. How the profession is defined and executed greatly depends on the organization, type of product, career pathways, and industry.

For example, some organizations consider the profession of product management to be mostly about product development; deciding what products, features, requirements to develop, and which order. For other companies it relates more to product marketing; such as conducting outbound activities to generate product awareness, differentiation, and demand. For yet another group it might relate more to technical product management, understanding the technical details of the product, or for instance managing legal aspects of a product, and so on. As you may notice, product management consists of many different concepts, practices, tools, and responsibilities, and is thus implemented in different ways. However, for every Product Owner or Product Manager, there are a similar set of practices and tools that will help to further develop yourself.

What is the difference between a Product Owner and Product Manager?

Before we continue, let’s make a short side-step. In this article we use Product Owner and Product Manager simultaneously, but it’s good to get the semantics right.

A frequently asked question is how these roles are different. A simple way to explain this, is that product management is a profession. And in product management you manage a product end-to-end, throughout the product life cycle. You are focused on managing product strategy (identifying and defining the customer/market problem to solve, vision, strategy, product goals, and objectives), managing product development (Product Backlog, roadmap, prioritization, requirements), and managing product marketing (Pricing, go-to-market, positioning).

To put it simply: a Product Owner is a Product Manager. A Product Manager could also be a Product Owner. The Product Owner is an accountability (or role if you will) that originates from the Scrum framework. So the naming of the role may have different origins, but are very similar. Both Product Owners and Product Managers take on the duties of making their product a success in the marketplace. They both seek to solve the right customer problems, and to deliver the right type of value for it.

There might be situations where a company both have Product Owners and Product Managers, but in principle there is no difference in accountabilities. Hence, the Professional Product Management Competency Framework tailors to both Product Owners and Product Managers.

The Professional Product Management (PPM) Competency Framework

Now that’s cleared up, we are excited to elaborate on the Professional Product Management (PPM) Competency Framework. Based on decades of experience in leading and transforming product organizations, and whilst considering existing frameworks available in the marketplace, we want to introduce this competency framework, covering all product management capabilities. The framework is used by organizations to hire, develop and retain product professionals. It is a comprehensive framework that allows to be tailored to an organization’s specific needs.

The Professional Product Management Competency Framework

Regardless of the specific implementation of the product management profession in your organization, we’ve learned that the core of professional product management is formed by two competency areas; Communication and Entrepreneurship.

Being great at working with many different types of people, being able to identify the right (customer) problems to solve, and seizing the right opportunities together with them to maximize a product’s value, are of critical importance to any type of product professional. This is why Communication and Entrepreneurship are at the heart of the Professional Product Management Competency Framework.

In addition, there are six competency areas that make a great Product Leader. These competency areas are Product, Process, People, Market, Business, and Leadership. Each area consists of different skills, behaviours, and attitudes.

For example, the competency area Product, consists of skills around achieving product-market-fit, product strategy, goal-setting, product roadmaps, Product Backlog Management, requirements management, general product knowledge, and product-domain knowledge. The Business area as a second example, consists of skills like general business expertise, company strategy awareness, value estimation, prioritisation, value measurement, product finances, sales support, product pricing, and go-to-market strategies.

Important to note is that you will very likely not have, ever acquire, or ever require deep knowledge, expertise, and experience in all competencies of the PPM framework. Being awesome in every aspect and area of the model would probably mean that you are from outer space, because no normal human being can be perfect in everything. So, focus on leveraging your strengths mostly, maybe develop some of your weaker skills that are critical to the job of being a Product Leader, or find other people around you to complement your skills (utilize others for the weaknesses that you have).

So, how to develop your skills as a Product Owner or Product Manager to become a Product Leader?

In order to develop your skills as a Product Owner, Product Manager, or Product Leader, we encourage you to evaluate your current skills, desired next career step(s), and then the desired skills you need. You can do a relatively simple self-assessment of those skills by considering the PPM framework and using a scale of 1–5, or we can help you with a professional approach to assessing your skills, by doing a Professional Product Management Competency Assessment.

Whether you choose to conduct a self-assessment, or Professional Product Management Competency Assessment, the first step in your upskilling journey is to assess where you are today. Once you are clear on where you are today you will want to identify where to go next. In order to help you out with your personal development plan, you will find our commonly used career pathway below. These images illustrate how the skills and competencies of product professionals tend to grow over time.

The next image reflects how a product professional may advance their career over time as an individual contributor, taking ownership of a smaller product at the start of their career, and taking more ownership as they advance to becoming a Principal Product Owner. As an individual contributor, you will always take ownership of a product or service, and optionally do coaching/mentoring of peers on the side.

Professional Product Management — Individual Contributor Track

At some point in time, you may be presented with the option of taking a people leadership position, meaning that you take ownership of leading a team of product people. In this situation, you won’t be actively managing a product anymore (at least not on a very detailed level), but you will be building the profession of product management in your organization. Taking this step usually requires Product Leaders to develop additional skills.

Professional Product Management — People Leadership Track

Once you have identified your desired next step(s), it’s time to identify which competencies, skills, attitudes, and behaviors need to be developed to get you to that destination.

Excited to move your Product Management skills forward?

Becoming an expert in a field takes more than a single course. Consider it to be a journey, requiring knowledge gathering and experience in practice. That is why we have developed Product Management Learning Journeys for Product Owners, Product Managers, and Product Leaders.

We have found that people often want a structured approach to boost just those skills that they need to improve in a specific section. In order to enable that, we have set up various Professional Product Management Training Modules. Modules like Value Maximization, Envisioning & Storytelling, Strategy & Roadmapping, or Stakeholder Engagement & Politics provide you with 8+ week learning and development tracks, allowing you to really improve a specific area of competence, instead of going through a very generic course that covers all kinds of different topics on a high-abstraction level.

A typical Professional Product Management upskilling track at Xebia Academy

Our learning journeys are designed to find the perfect balance between the theory from university with the intensity of a bootcamp. These ingredients are blended into a training format that fits anyone’s preferred style of learning. We teach you enough theory to know when you’re playing with fire, but we focus on applicability for the job to be done.

The journeys offer a personalized approach for professionals to grow their capabilities and to advance their careers. The blended learning journeys around product management consist of (competency) assessments, trainings, workshops, exercises, on-demand content, personal reflection, coaching, and consultancy.

The foundation of the product management journey is formed by the PPM framework. It’s connected to your product career framework and is implemented throughout the whole learning journey.

Want to get started? Take a moment to explore our website, learn more about our approach to Product Management, or schedule a chat about how we can help you, your team, or company to move forward.

Are you ready to leverage your role als Product Professional?!

Overview of all Competency Areas and Professional Product Management Training Modules



Robbin Schuurman
Professional Product Management

Head of Product, Product Leader, Professional Scrum Trainer, Passionate Golfer and Author of: Master the Art of No: Effective Stakeholder Management.