5 Dec 2014

While you were sleeping

Edward H. Carpenter
The Vault
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2014


A few more long days, folks, so sorry to have kept you waiting again… But over the past week or so on Twitter, I found the following items that I rather think are worthy of your attention.

Newsworthy. My newsworthy theme this time around is giving. We just got done with the Thanksgiving holiday, and we’re moving into another holiday season which is all about giving, soooo… Here’s a great article by @StacieWChadwick. You can give the gift of livestock to a family in the Developing World (via @PatrickRothfuss ) , or do something small like “paying forward” a cup of coffee or a load of laundry for a stranger.

You can support a crowdfunding project, or check out this interesting site (via @amandapalmer ) that lets you gift (or ask for) pretty much anything.

People. If you’re not following these folks, you might want to start: @doctorow, @StacieWChadwick, @Charalanahzard, @me_Ajay, @zaibatsu, @andrewducker, @PatrickRothfuss, @amandapalmer, @charmingred, @WesleyLowery, @thereaIbanksy, @iamjohnoliver, @funnyordie, @AlexChancexxx, @TheMercedesXXX, and @IamNadiaStyles.

Videos. Net neutrality. If you didn’t get the message from John Oliver, maybe you just need it explained by porn stars. Thanks, @AlexChancexxx, @TheMercedesXXX, and @IamNadiaStyles (via @funnyordie ) — I totally get it now!

Books. I just read @doctorow’s Information Doesn’t Want to Be Free — some favorite quotes: “Content isn’t king. Conversation is.” — “Seize the means of information.” — “Obscurity is a far greater threat to artists than piracy is.” Highly recommend that all creators, makers, and free-thinkers read this book.

Philosophy. ‏A few wise words, via @me_Ajay and @zaibatsu.

Visual Art. Apropos for the nation’s mood this week… Thanks again, @thereaIbanksy

Humanism. How to respond to internet trolls who spew hate? One Australian game reviewer ( @Charalanahzard )has an interesting solution.

I find this interesting because the problem with this type of online harassment also exists in the US Marine Corps (see below) and my latest personal crusade is to end this in the Corps, where I work.

Of course, the real problem is that —

Crowdfunding. I’m making it my goal to give $5.00 a day until the end of the year to a worthy cause, project, charity, or human being on the street. So far, I’ve given $5.00 to Wikipedia, $30.00 to the I Love You Project (in exchange for some lovely T-shirts) and today I’m supporting a graphic novel that looks quite interesting (via @charmingred ) —

I also ended up donating a goat to a family in the developing world. How cool is that? (Deadline to donate goats, chickens, bees, etc, is December 8th, so if you want to join me, best click now!)

Infographics. From @andrewducker, who reminds us that infographics can make you smile, too…

All the Things - @doctorow cued me in on these awesome D20 icecube molds, and for all you Firefly fans, ThinkGeek also has a way for you to stay shiny…

And that’s it for today… Stay tuned for another post, coming soon, and if you liked this post, please take a moment to click “Recommend” below, so that other readers can enjoy it too, and consider following me here on Medium for more great content.



Edward H. Carpenter
The Vault

Author, businessman, athlete, Marine officer, and world traveler. Likes rugby, reading, scuba-diving, and volunteer teaching. Hates liver and sea urchins.