5 Unusual Signs You May Have Celiac Disease

Catherine DS Crane
The Vegan Celiac
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2018

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone with Celiac Disease loses weight or experiences gastrointestinal trouble after ingesting wheat gluten. In fact, it is now thought that most people with CD go undiagnosed because non-traditional symptoms of the autoimmune disease are on the rise.
I certainly fall into that category. Looking back, I have probably had CD ever since I was 8 years old and over the years it slowly eroded my health.

Could you possibly have Celiac Disease? You might. Here are my top 5 unusual CD symptoms.

1. Tight or Swollen Hands

If you notice your palms becoming red, swollen, puffy or ‘tight’ after eating bread or pasta, you may have CD.

This was one of my first symptoms. Whenever we ate bread (and we did twice a day), I noticed the palms of my hands would feel tight afterwards, as if they had filled with water. They were also slightly red with white splotches.
I never told my parents, because I didn’t link it to anything I ate and I thought it must be normal. It is not, though!

2. Weight Gain

Most people with CD lose weight because they are not absorbing nutrients due to a damaged intestinal lining and because they sometimes can’t even keep food down.

But there’s a sub-group of people that gain weight, probably caused by a Leaky Gut and the issues I will discuss below in number 5.

Throughout my life I have gained lots of weight MANY times. The first time was, again, when I was 8 years old. I went from a skinny little kid to a hefty preteen almost overnight.

Looking back now, I would only ever lose weight when I cut out gluten unintentionally. The first time was when I was 16. I would only eat apples, potatoes and vegetables (please do not try this at home). I lost 30lbs in three months. After resuming my usual gluten-laden meals, I gained it all back, and then some.

When I was 23, I started the Atkins diet. A low carb diet, which naturally means cutting out gluten and most gluten contaminated products. I lost a ton of weight.

At 25 I went back on a carb heavier diet, but kept omitting wheat products because I had read they could cause weight gain. Not the best reason in the book, but accidentally a correct move.
I started studying nutrition and sports, got certified (and very fit) and started my Personal Training and Sports Nutrition business.

Every single time I incorporated wheat products I have gained heaps of weight. Period.

3. Heart Palpitations, Arrythmia and Fainting

At my worst, I felt like I would pass out every five minutes. I believe this is because of a combination of Central Nervous System overstimulation, overproduction of histamines and a general lack of nutrients.

Thankfully, this can be somewhat tempered by supplementing magnesium. I can highly recommend Magnesium Orotate for these specific symptoms. Magnesium lowers free floating histamines in the body and orotate is directly used by the heart muscles, instantly lessening the strain caused by the CD and histamines.
In general, magnesium calms the Central Nervous System, making this supplement a triple whammy.

It cannot replace dealing with the underlying cause for your problems, but it definitely helps while you are recovering.

4. Dry, Itchy Patches On Your Skin

Also known as Dermatitis Herpetiformus, a celiac’s form of Eczema, often found on the face.

One thing I have noticed is that the patches don’t respond to anything. Nothing I put on them takes away the itch or resolves the dryness.

I actually still deal with this, currently I have one stubborn itchy dry spot on my right cheek and one right below my right eyebrow. Hopefully, they’ll resolve themselves in due time.

5. Unstable Blood Sugar and Cravings

This is a big one. Due to a lack of nutrients, some people’s bodies attempt to resolve the situation by making you eat more, in the hopes of being able to receive the vitamins and minerals it so desperately needs.
It feels very much like breathing in air, but not getting oxygen: I would eat until stuffed and sick and yet, it would feel like my body wasn’t getting anything from that food. It would just sit in my stomach, meanwhile my muscles would quiver with lack of glycogen.
This creates a vicious cycle of craving sugar (because: more easily absorbed by the body), overeating, weight gain, fatigue, repeat ad nauseum.

I want to emphasize that perceived unstable blood sugar may in fact be an electrolyte imbalance.
Instead of reaching for the sugar, you may try dissolving half a teaspoon of unrefined salt (Celtic or Hymalayan) in a cup of water and drinking that. Odds are, it will make you feel better very quickly,

If you experience any of these symptoms, please go to your doctor. Remember to always get a small intestine biopsy, as that is the requirement for a CD diagnosis. Blood tests can produce false negatives!

I hope this was helpful. If you have any symptoms to add to this list, please mention them in the comments below 🙂

Until next time,
Catherine xx

